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Research On Cost Control Of Shenyang B Shopping Mall Project

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371480146Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate development companies in the continuous evolution of the marketeconomy, the increasing emphasis on the construction project management and control,directly reflects the level of the construction company building the management capacity,but also determines the enterprise's survival and development. In many control work, costmanagement is particularly important, its effective control is the fundamental economicinterests.B items from the shopping malls in Shenyang Shenyang New District is planned toTieling and Fushun cities of Shenyang and out must pass through. Shops around the state,whether the business model or sales channels are located in the disordered state, eachgeographically dispersed stores, purchase channels, uneven, inflated operating costs, lowprofit margins, but also to consumers or builders buy manufacturing obstacles. As neededto a construction project in Shenyang B as hardware stores, home building materials andclothing food hotel one of the commercial center of the building. However, the projectevaluation is an important indicator of construction cost control, so it is necessary in theconstruction process of the project cost management and control.Standardized cost management and control has become the focus of developers ingeneral, is a serious problem. In order to better Shenyang B mall construction project costcontrol effectively, the existing need of the project specific issues for analysis. Theanalysis found that the project cost, and actual estimates and actual costs do not match,ignoring the cost of management attention to the cost of production, cost control is basedon process control, decision-making phase of the implementation phase can notdetermine the cost of control and many other similar companies often make the problem.These problems occur with the construction costs associated with land development,building construction costs and indirect costs of three major developers, the impact offactors. Analysis of these factors and implement control can improve in the nextmanagement level, to achieve expected goals. Project cost control is to at all stages of cost management, cost control, the actualdevelopment within the budget amount of investment to achieve cost managementobjectives, in order to project investors, financial, and material to maximize theeffectiveness and benefits. B for mall construction project in Shenyang, only the designof rigorous cost control, cost management in order to ensure practical. Shenyang B mallconstruction project cost control program design consists of three parts, first is the cost ofcontrol for monitoring the establishment of indicators, including targets evaluationsystem characteristics and composition of specific indicators; followed by the cost ofcontrol for managing improvement of the organizational system, including theorganization of the common practice of cost control and construction project cost controlorganization; final instructions for the specific role of the use of cost control principles,including the common practice of the principle of dynamic control and Shenyang Bstores the dynamic building project control.Good cost control programs need to have good cost control measures to protect. B inthe establishment of shopping malls in Shenyang construction project cost controlprogram, the need to develop cost-control measures to ensure the implementation of costmanagement. Good measures need to be responsible for all phases of construction,including pre-construction, construction and after construction of all the job security.Shenyang B stores for major construction projects set three measures to improve thepre-construction cost estimates, including cost control and ideological work of staff costcontrol and design phase of the improvement; to establish the cost of the constructionphase include stringent cost control system, control system implementation concrete andconstruction cost control measures; to ensure the completion phase of completion costsincluding the cost of audit and examination to be detailed audit costs from the economicpoint of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cost control, Construction project, The cost of audit
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