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Research On Shenyang And Fushun Civilization

Posted on:2010-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y NingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371450068Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After entering the 21st century, the pacing of economic globalization is becoming faster and faster. The countries are developing closer and closer ties, at the same time, the competences become more fiercely. It's no way to develop only by oneself on his oasis. There are more and more to consider for making out country development strategy.The same to the cities. The complicated ties between cities lead to strong connections on economics, politics, civilization and so on. The competence between cities changed to depend on comprehensive strength from simply depending on economic strength in years. The practice of democracy and the process of law-governed in social activities give the opportunities of participate in social management to members. At this circumstance, city development strategies are no longer satisfied with just economic indicators of growth, but more attention to the healthy development of the economic structure, industrial structure and the balanced development of all-round development of social undertakings.In recent years, central government made the major strategy to the revitalization of old industrial bases in the Northeast, which providing major opportunity to the development of the Northeast. At the same time, resource-exhausted cities promote industrial restructuring pointed out the direction of development for part of the resource-exhausted cities in the Northeast. Grabbing this opportunity, the provincial government put forward, "Shenyang and Fushun citilization" of the development on strategic thinking. To rely on the advantages of Shenyang, the provincial capital city, such as economy, industry, resources, location and so on, leading Fushun, the city which by common mountains and rivers in the same region, the same culture, similar to the industrial structure, to realize the joint development of the cumulative effect. How to implement the strategy, the Shenyang and Fushun citilization, only achieve cooperation in some of the industry, or we can explore further, to break the restrictions of administrative divisions, sharing education, health, social security, and other social undertakings, etc. The subjects are all worthy of study. The article will give a general introduction of strategic management theory and urban development theory, to provide theoretical support for making development strategy of Shenyang and Fushun citilization. It then analyze the internal and external environmental factors that impacting on the city's strategy, in order to formulating the overall future development strategic objectives and strategy for the entire system. According to the government working characteristics give effective implementation to the strategy and program control. Providing direction of guidelines to Shenyang and Fushun for future development, and useful reference on making decisions scientifically to the government managers.
Keywords/Search Tags:citilization, urban development strategy, strategic management
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