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Mobile Customer Network Complaints Handling System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330371961093Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Complaint is the product of the times, with a strong sense of democracy. It represents the use of user satisfaction with goods. Wireless mobile communications, voice and data services is also a commodity, as opposed to China's current wireless mobile communications market, the three pillars (China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom) situation, so that customers have a greater selection of space, so customers products awareness and satisfaction will determine market share and the company's efficiency, determine the company's development and rise and fall. Therefore, handle customer complaints, Telecom's development and growth is the foundation. This article in full for the user based on the analysis of complaints, in line with our mobile network to enhance customer satisfaction and improve network quality, better customer service purposes, combined with user requirements, the proposed development of a customer complaint handling and analysis system. Through a summary of the situation on the customer complaints, statistical analysis, to identify the impact of customer experience major network problems, Analysis of reasons for user dissatisfaction, through the network, optimize the solution to it, on the one hand to enhance efficiency in handling complaints, on the other hand guide the improving network quality, so as to continuously improving service quality, enhance the competitive advantage of Telecom CDMA network. Through this system, the design and development, to address the current problems at work, can achieve the combination of theory and practical purpose. Combined with years of study and practical experience, the system plans to take B / S (Brower / Server) mode to enhance system ease of use, and with other departments to improve communication and data sharing; use ASP scripting language, Dreamweaver & EditPlus as a system development tool, SQL Server 2000 as a database, Windows2003/XP for the server-side platform, IIS for server-side Web service procedures, these are the more popular applications, Docking with other systems in the future more easily; Using service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach to program design, develop this "mobile customer complaint processing and analysis of network systems"。The data from my department from the customer on Network quality of the list of complaints, processing, optimizing personnel department concluded that I actually deal with the results of the statistics. The list of complaints through the system of statistical analysis, combined with the filling plus real reason, and geographic location of complaints shows that complaints to determine the hot spots to be targeted for optimization.The system will greatly enhance the efficiency of optimizing the handling of complaints, but also for other departments to provide the corresponding reference data. Further strengthened the communication and collaboration, improve the quality and the level of joint deal with the user complaint problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:User Complaint, Processing System, Design and Implementation
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