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The Status, Causes And Countermeasures Of Media Sexism

Posted on:2012-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For many years people have been striving for equality between the sexes, but even today, women still suffer from gender discrimination and oppression. In cover-up of the new political system, production systems, and high-tech, the discrimination and oppression is more secret. Although the mass media is achievement of modern civilization, but it plays a negative role in fighting for women's rights.This paper collected many examples of mass media discrimination. Because of the form of mass media communication is not single, audience and publicity are also different, this classification, according to the traditional media-paper media, electronic media, network media. Meanwhile, as the special nature of advertising media, it is also carved out a separate, targeted research. The study focuses on tearing the media's face, a veil of gender equality, and revealing the phenomenon of gender discrimination in the communication.This article is accordancing with Problem-Analysis-Ideas. After the problem, I also built the two major parts. The first is the media's analysis of gender discrimination, find out the historical reasons, social reasons, people's own reasons, and explain it from the sociology, psychology, political economy perspective. All of this is in order to find out the root causes of gender discrimination. The second is proposing some concrete and feasible way to solve the problem, according to the basis of existing social conditions and future development. For the media, audience and social tripartite education, guidance is necessary. We must break the shackles of the traditional concept, and create atmosphere of equality, to help members of the community to improve awareness of gender equality, and move away from the error. Especially the mass media, as the main channel of communication of ideas, we must establish an equal dissemination of ideas and be out of bad taste, so as to achieve true gender equality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media, Sex discrimination, Status, Causes, Countermeasures
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