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The Construction And Development Strategies Of E-govement In China

Posted on:2012-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330362453116Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With highlighted the key role of information-based, more and more nation and regionattention to information-based constriction. E-government as the lead project of information isthe key link to promote the information-based construction of our country. How to developE-government efficiently and orderly has become the important project of the governmentdepartment and scholars.As compared of western countries, studies of E-government in China are relativelybackward, and the majority studies are concentrated in macro study. In this paper, take theE-government development of Jiangxi province as an example, on the basis of analyzing itsproblems and experiences comprehensively, trying to find a provincial E-government model.In order to provide some experience to other provinces, and develop the China'sE-government campaign.In this paper, firstly introduce the basic content of E-government; explain theconnotation of the E-government; comb the relationship of E-government and digitalgovernment; distinguish the E-government and traditional government. Secondly describe thedevelopment process and the current status of E-government in China. Also reveal theproblems exist in China's E-government. Thirdly, summarize the development ofE-government experience in Jiangxi province. Through analysis the achievement ofE-government development in Jiangxi province. Summarize the successful experience ofJiangxi. Finally, put forward some suggestions to promote the development of E-governmentof China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangxi province, infomationization, e-government, developing strategy
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