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Design And Implementation Of Channel Sales Management System

Posted on:2012-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338953026Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a connection between the operators and customers, marketing channels provide for both sides the transmission and circulation of real logistics, information flow, and capital flow. The smooth and stable flows of marketing channels play a pivotal role for the success of communications operators in the market. Informatization brings enormous opportunities for China communication enterprise as well as a great challenge. Facing these opportunities and the great challenge, China communication enterprise must enlarge self information construction. Since the informatization of telecommunication enterprise, channel sales management has developed rapidly.This article describes the practical significance and objectives of channel sales management system, illustrates current development status of channel management system and its support system of major mobile operators, and explains its technical principles. It introduces the technical framework and platform of J2EE, AppFrame, ComFrame in this channel sales management system. By studying the detailed requirements in each marketing unit of the system, it classifies the requirements into two types, functional requirements and non-functional requirements. It also provides the system architecture design, each business flows processing design and database design. Especially describes how to accomplish the work flow design and how to realize it during the process of channel sales by a flow driven platform, ComFrame.With information sharing as a main part, terminal sales as a fundamental, fine management as an objective, supply and control directly as a means, detailed division of labor as a principle, rational utilization and distribution of resources as an opportunity, channel sales management system realizes the effective management of real logistics, information flow, and capital flow for operators and terminal channels, it forms a closed loop for channel sales management, to achieve the purpose of simplifying the channel layers, standardizing sales process, strengthening the service support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Channel, Sales management, Workflow, ComFrame
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