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The Analysis Of Urban Relocated Persons' Organization Dilemma In Safeguarding

Posted on:2012-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F FanFull Text:PDF
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With the acceleration of urbanization in China, the steps of house removal are speeding up. Getting rid of the old ones and constructing the new ones is the connotation of urbanization, but with the city removals, conflicts among the interests subjects——the real estate developers, the local governments and the urban residents whose houses are facing pulled down are becoming increasingly acute. The violent removals are becoming more and more fiercely and it develops significant social problems which affect the social stability.Based on above-mentioned problems, this article focus on how to change the atomization of relocated persons and enable them to organize, and then they can dialogize with the local governments and the real estate developers in the same platform in the form of organization. The first part of the article makes an explanation for the research origins and reviews the relevant researches, it also probes into the theoretical and realistic significance of the researches from the point of the organization dilemma of urban relocate persons. And meanwhile, it illustrates the thread and methods of this research. The second part of the article defines the core concepts concluding the urban house removal,the organization dilemma and so on, and review the theories related. The third to the fifth parts are the main body of the article. The third part makes an overview of the urban removal situation in China, and gives detailed description to a typical case. Besides, it makes out the different kinds of resistance of relocated persons and then comes to the conclusion that the urban relocate persons are faced with the right-safeguarding organization dilemma. The forth part mainly analyzes the representation and causes of the dilemma. The fifth part attempts to probe into the ways of making breakthrough of the organization dilemma of the relocated persons.
Keywords/Search Tags:City, Relocated persons, Right-Safeguarding Organization, Dilemma
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