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During World War, I, U.S. President

Posted on:2012-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WangFull Text:PDF
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During World War I,U.S. diplomacy to china is an important issue in the history of international relations,but also one of the important research topics in the history of the United states. Germany, France, Japan, Russia and other major powers have consecutively put into war, being busy with life and death on the battlefields of Europe flame, and paying attention to affairs of China, with the Western powers and Japan's control in China broken. Japan took the opportunity to expand in China in an attempt to dominate China; the United States would also like to wait for an opportunity to grab more patent rights in China, so the US-Japan are more competitive in China, fighting fiercely in a series of major events. The paper intends to give a few typical events as examples, analyzing the substance of U.S. in this period.The first chapter is about the Jiaozhou Bay issue. World War breaking out, worried about a new Japanese invasion in China, and the war spreading to China. Yuan declared neutrality. At the same time, Foreign Department also formally proposed American President and Japanese Prime Minister, that the 3 countries Chinese and the United States, Japan come forward and ask the belligerents restricted area, so that war is not to extend to the east. But the United States reacted cautiously. Without any support by the United States the Yuan government force which weakly prevented the Japanese occupation of Jiaozhou Bay totally failed. The "open door" policy which the United States has always been labeled is back, and can not stand the test of storms in the face of international disputes. The second chapter discusses that the United States concern, but in the actual performance of actions is particularly careful, when the Japanese raised to the Chinese that "Twenty-One", in the"God" of the machine. The Yuan government gave the great expectation to the United States, hoping the U.S. government to intervene. When the "twenty-one," published in full, the U.S. policy-makers agreed to the interests of Japan in Manchuria. To the requirements for the No.5 United States believes that it conflicted the U.S. "open door" policy, and undermined the China's political unity, so should be protested. It can be seen, the United States to take the advance of Japan's policy after the taking. After learning that the Chinese government to accept Japan's ultimatum, the United States issued a note text to both China and Japan, with a clear manifestation that the U.S. government was only concerned about U.S. interests in China. Not only did they do that, but also the United States take "one share" approach in ChinaThe third chapter is to analyze the competition between United States and Japan on the issues in the Yuan emperor, the issue of China in the First World War. it is the fights between United States and Japan thathave intensified the civil war. Seen as democratic self-government fighters in the world, a sworn enemy of the dictator of Mexico, President Wilson has not publicly criticized the Yuan government's undemocratic. On the contrary, he thought that it is normal that the Yuan had enormous power, and even supported the restoration of the imperial Yuan. U.S. President believed that the Chinese government regime change was purely internal affairs, is infringing China's sovereignty in any form of interference, which the United States labeled "non-interference in internal affairs".Since World War I, China and the United States were both neutral. January 31, 1917, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare, which undermined the U.S. interests. On February 3, the United States announced the sever diplomatic relations to Germany, and calls China for similar action. Individually attempting to lead China in diplomatic leadership of Germany and, exclusion Japan, Raein tried to take joint agitation between the United States and China. The United States would give full guarantee to China in order to safeguard the legitimate interests of the United States. President Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing considered more Japanese and American forces in East Asia, and thought the United States could not be around by the enemy in the west and east, against that China took part in the war. In this case Raein can no longer insist his opinions. After this change Japan even more encouraged that China cut off relations with Germany. With the intervention from Japan the United States ended in failure. China officially declared war on Germany. U.S. government's discuss to China's entry into the war, reflects the Wilson's requirements to curb Japan's aggression, and to prevent the Chinese government under Japan's control, but at this time the United States is more taken into account its own interests, and the relationship with Japan to avoid too much tension.Chapter IV reveals, "Lansing-Ishii Agreement," the essence. The United States did a deal with Japan trading China as a bargaining chip, once again sold out China to realize a temporary compromise between the United States and Japan. Since World War II, the United States and Japan in China's were main rivals, especially since the February 1917 fighting between the two countries in China, was rising tension between the two countries. Each is doing to prepare for their battle, but not rashly go to war. The United States has declared war on Germany, naturally avoided to be enemy by both sides. Besides, the inherent economic ties between both countries hoped to reach an agreement to ease relations to avoid conflict. the United States made compromise to Japan sacrificing China's interests once againChapter Five is the conclusion. This paper discussing major events the United States to China one by one during the First World War, comprehensively analysis the U.S. diplomacy major event to China during the war,mainly referring to the attitudes of the U.S. and China, and combined with Wilson President's idealism, to analysis of each event, and thus more fairly and objectively realizedU.S. foreign policy as for Wilson "idealism" gave a more realistic understanding of integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Woodrow, WilsonIdealism, Twenty-one, Lansing-Ishii Agreement
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