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Experience + Diagram

Posted on:2012-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362956594Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, modernism architectural design pattern with function first in China has developed more mature after years of practice, and it also has been proved that the efficient design pattern most conforms to the situation in our country. However, with the increasingly profound understanding of the modernism architectural design, and witnessing the development process of foreign modernism architectural design from modernism stage to diversity stage, architect have begun to reflect on architecture core issues. They also keep trying on the basis of various foreign architectural thinking and start a large number of development of new design methods. Affected by Phenomenology, we rethink the issues in design of architecture from our experience. As a result, there is a new way to start our design work. But, for the reason that it pays so much attention to the understanding and findings of the problem, that it must integrate the diagram to play an important role in directing the design of architecture.In response to current situation, I will study the design process about "Experience + Diagram " under the study of Phenomenology and many design process trainings about experience in our workshop to find a way to put Phenomenology into practical design process.First of all, I will start the reflection of the modernism architectural idea by considering the human experience under the analysis of Phenomenology, and then rethink the traditional design process to make sure the direction of design.Secondly, on the basic of the analysis and reflection above, I will integrate many design process trainings about experience to summarize and analyze the operation problems and corresponding policies in the different stages of actual design in order by finding entry points, concept design, deep design, design results. From those work, I can summarize the steps and the tasks of the"Experience + Diagram"design process.Finally, based on previous research, the new design process will be completely used into my design issue and then I will check the practice result and objectively analyze the advantages and disadvantages disappeared in the whole design process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience, Diagram, Phenomenology of architecture, Design process
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