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Research On The Development Strategy Of DJ Company

Posted on:2017-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209330485450711Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate is an important part of China’s economic development, it has played an important role in the national economy since the reform and opening up. In recent years, China’s real estate industry development trend of ups and downs, the first commercial housing prices continue to rise, followed by our country for the regulation of this industry more and more stringent. Faced with new developments, real estate companies to take reasonable development strategy, comprehensively implement the development strategy to develop itself as the key real estate enterprises can gain a firm foothold in the future even more brutal competition in the market. DJ is a state-owned real estate investment and development companies, a medium size, has been mainly in the resettlement program to move back to their main business, but with the reduction in Kunming government land supply, to move back placement business has also been a greater impact. A particular group DJ company representatives the real estate industry, with state-owned background, easy access to capital, but the lack of operating experience in the real estate market. Therefore, the analysis in this paper for such real estate companies, has a certain significance.On the basis of theoretical research, analyzes the macro development environment is currently DJ company faces using PEST analysis, analysis DJ company currently facing the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of using SWOT analysis method, based on the DJ company’s development strategy was developed. Through this study ultimately concluded that:(1) Background As a company with state-owned real estate companies, DJ company’s past development strategy has been unable to meet the people of the current market trends, companies regard the need for timely adjustment of strategic thinking, to create a new development strategy, to seek new development opportunities.(2) By model DJ company SWOT strategic analysis, and finally choose their development strategy that the company should choose DJ reverse development strategy..(3) article DJ company development strategy development, including the diversification strategy, brand strategy and alliance strategy.(4) In the last article of the safeguards DJ company’s development strategy will be explained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wdevelopment strategy, SWOT analysis, Strategy development
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