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Based Laboratory Information Management System Web-design And Realization

Posted on:2010-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B AoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360308467470Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The laboratories are an important part of a higher institution, being the main site for experiment-based teaching and research. The quality of the facilities and their management of the laboratories will directly affect the quality of teaching and research of the institution. Thus analysis and management of laboratory information is not only a necessity for the management of the laboratories themselves but also a necessity for improving the quality of teaching and research. With the advancement in computer information technology and the development of campus network, net and management-information software based management of higher-institution laboratories has become the trend for the future. Such is the background of the development of the laboratory management system of the Xichang College.As a typical management information system (MIS), the laboratory management system involves two main aspects in its development: building and maintaining the database, and developing the applications. Five functional modules have been developed, based on a functional analysis of the characteristics and the actual situation of the laboratory management, using a Web-based, object-oriented and modulized designing approach, namely, the system management, the lab-teaching management, the lab-information management, research information management, and the file management modules, which are made into a Web-based laboratory management information system that combines the B/S and the C/S modes. Test shows that the system meets the proposed goals.The system has the following advantages: first, as it is developed according to the characteristics of laboratory management, it suits the needs well; second, the system is easy to use, and needs zero maintenance at the user's end; third, the system's NET-based frame, three-leveled structure and modulized design guarantee its openness and expandability; and finally, as an SQL Server database application, it is open to general use and sharing on the network, and allows quick information exchange.The installment of the system will lead to more scientific, efficient, and accurate laboratory management, and thus to better laboratory management.
Keywords/Search Tags:laboratory management system, Web, B/S, C/S
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