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The Design And Implementation Of Open Laboratory Management System For Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute

Posted on:2016-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482463780Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To better serve our students, open laboratory will become an important part of the teaching resources in Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute and the process of infomationization will be accelerated. Focusing on people, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, strengthening experiment teaching and cultivating innovative talents are the directions of the reform of teaching practices in Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute. Since practical teaching is an important part in the reform of teaching systems in Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute and that open laboratory is an important means to help students improve their practical abilities, it is important for us to use open laboratory resources reasonably. To use human and equipment resources most effectively, proper management of open laboratory is very important.The system is developed using B/S framework and advanced program language Java is used to develop the underlying code. J2EE framework is also used to integrate with SSH technical framework for designing the whole system. View in MVC framework is used to exhibit data of the system and accept user input, which is then passed to Model for data organization and modeling. They are then processed and passed to Control for further calculation. The results generated by the series of operations are passed to View and shown to the users. The database of the system is designed using SQL Server 2014.The main functions of the system are experiment teaching, experiment opening, experiment management, apparatus and equipment management and systemic management. The experiment teaching includes experiment teaching file management, teaching tasks arrangements, internship and course design and course schedule searching. Experiment opening includes project management and printing. Apparatus and equipment management includes apparatus status management, apparatus and equipment inventory and equipment searching. System management includes information resource management, notification management, online rating and user authorization management etc. Operations in information resource management and notification management includes the adding, modification and deletion of notifications. Operations in user authorization management include user management, role management and authorization settings.The launch of open experiment management system in Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute will achieve unified information management in all data and information in the laboratories of the school. It achieves the digitalized model of experiment teaching, effectively improves efficiency of laboratory management employees and improves the level of informationalization in Dezhou Vocational Technical Institute.
Keywords/Search Tags:Opening laboratory, The management information system, Teaching management, Resource management
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