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Mobile Newspaper - The Pan-media Era, "the Fifth Media" To Explore

Posted on:2010-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Center for specific content of information resources through the creative restructuring and "R & D". Coordination of news production and in a variety of media publishing platform, although the background of the same information resources, and ultimately are able to optimize the design in line with the characteristics of a variety of different media, news media products, For consumers through a variety of media, styles received the information content. Focus has the characteristics of the mobile media and traditional media have different characteristics of the media, how to optimize the design in line with the characteristics of mobile media content media products? How the current set of mobile media content to improve?In this paper, to select the most mature development of the domestic mobile phone media - mobile phones for the study reported, drawing on audience psychology and agenda-setting theory, the use of content analysis research methods at the Southern people have mobile phones at the agenda setting, content positioning, audience interaction and content of research and analysis options. Studies have shown that the content of mobile phones reported homogenization mainly concentrated in the major news and breaking news coverage on the press, the basic characteristics of the two is real and fresh, which makes the contents of major news reports it is difficult to avoid homogenization; The development of mobile phones reported as a subset of a relatively short time the media, reported by the mother principle, content selection, style and other reported effects of the contents of the package is not very independent settings; mobile content reported no new breakthroughs in content-targeted are not clear; people reported to the mobile phone provides a channel for political participation and discussion, but the expression of popular will get a slight improvement in results.Although mobile phone newspaper are still exploring, but as the new wireless communication technology products, it has the significance of old and new media. In terms of mobile media, reported that the technical advantages of mobile phone so that an ideal may have realized that Let every consumer to obtain the information they want with the market operation mechanism of the constantly changing, consumers are no longer through a simple form of a media access to information or entertainment, the media must take the appropriate strategy to deal with the challenges and meet the diversified needs of consumers; to press group, the mobile phone is not reported in any media, copy, phone reported the emergence of a variety of media will make its own characteristics to strengthen mutually beneficial co-existence, through technical integration and business integration, the Newspaper Group's various media operations will be gradually moving toward integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Phone Newspaper, Media Convergence, Content Setting, The Audience's Psychology
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