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Network Structure And Algorithm-based Streaming Media

Posted on:2008-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360215972174Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Media streaming is becoming the mainly driving force for future broadband network applications. In a traditional client-server streaming system, the server often becomes the bottleneck due to the high bandwidth and long duration of multimedia streams, how to distribute streaming media content to a large number of hosts in a scalable way has become the key problem of multimedia research area. IP multicast could be the best way to overcome this drawback since it could let many hosts share one stream; however, its deployment on the Internet is still limited due to several fundamental concerns. CDN (Content Delivery Networking) can push the content and service to the edge of Internet by utilizing a set of service nodes that have been predeployed, thus alleviate the burden on the server and the network, but we can not afford the expensive charge of CDN. The success of P2P technology in the document download and file sharing caught wide attention. Peer-to-peer is a communications model in which each party has the same capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session. It is implemented by giving each communication node both server and client capabilities .It is used more and more in the exchanging somebody proposed the concept of P2P streaming media. P2P media streaming can utilize bandwidth resource of host nodes to provide service to other peer nodes without changing the current deployment of Internet; it is cost-effective and contains good application value in future.In order to improve the QoS of Streaming over the Internet,streaming media over P2P network is proposed.It Combinations the P2P technology and the streaming media technology.First,we given the knowledge of P2P technology and the streaming media technology.Then analysis of some classical models of P2P Streaming Media. The different models have all demonstrated that there is always a tradeoff among bandwidth efficiency, delay and reliability.This is paper presents a new streaming media structer which mixed the Characteristics of P2P technology and the streaming media technology. It tries to achieve a better trade-off, .bs leveraging the advances in both P2P and C/S. The coreoperations in mixed streaming media are very simple: every node periodicaliy exchanges data availability information with a set of partners, and retrieves unavailable data from one or more partners, or supplies available data to partners. We emphasize three features of mixed Streaming: (1) easy to implement, as it does not have to construct and maintain a complex application multicast tree, it also does not have to deploy complex group management protocol, peers are managed by a central server; (2)robust and resilient, as the partnerships enable adaptive and quick switching among mufti-suppliers;(3) scalability, as media data distributed in a P2P manner, more users, more quickly.Finally, this article made an abstract model of streaming media, in the hope to provide a model of logic. The important of streaming media system caching algorithm is discussed. The popular concept was added in caching algorithm.We hope that the popular concept can achieve further relatively good condition so can improve the performance of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P, streaming media
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