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Dsp-based Data Acquisition System Ethernet Access

Posted on:2008-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360215966719Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AS production of modern industry and agriculture has been in the rapid development in China,how to increase productivity has been a leading topic.Intelligence,networked, automation,unmanned,control integration in the production of modern industry and agriculture has been the focus of the research direction,which is inseparable from the realization of high-precision data acquisition signals and network access.Along with the high-precision measurement and control needs, data acquisition system is in a major development,which are widely used in electronics,chemicals,military, aerospace,transportation, environmental resources,medical equipment and other industries, especially with the emergence of DSP technology and rapid development, DSP as to gradually replace the controller general SCM trend is becoming increasingly obvious.Compared to ordinary MCU DSP has tremendous advantages,its powerful,high-speed computation,With the decline in the cost of production,The prices about DSP have fallen to close to the level of high-performance microcontroller, It greatly promoted the the application of DSP.The development of Data Acquisition System and upgrading is no exception.Many data acquisition products on the markets are basically portable data acquisition equipment,which are based on common microprocessors,the price is relatively high,and the data transmission over serial port,PCI bus,USB,and other short-distance transmission. Basically do not have access to Ethernet to monitor remote functions.In this paper, domestic and foreign production of modern industry and agriculture in view of the actual needs and current data collection system and a state based on the DSP, the new type of data acquisition device design,using DSP powerful calculation of a large number of high-precision data acquisition, for the evaluation of industrial and agricultural production and improve the effectiveness of providing accurate basis,but more importantly is the Ethernet access,Ethernet data can be achieved through sharing and remote storage, shows.It can be remotely monitored, with no production of modern industry and agriculture, networked,and control integration trends.The system utilizing TMS320F2812 32bit high-performance processor of the TI as the CPU system to make the 220V ordinary life electricity as the can realize the power voltage,current,power, frequency,RMS voltage,current RMS.RMS electric power measurement parameters .Through Ethernet controller RTL8019AS it realized Ethernet communications functions,here both as a DSP data acquisition system control core and as servers,DSP TCP/IP agreement on the basis of the establishment of a network server, PC as a client .VC++6. 0 design using a friendly interface to show remote terminal, VC++6.0 and use of Winsock Network Communication Control of the DSP and TCP/IP socket connection. Socket establish a connection after the DSP data acquisition through Ethernet transmission to the PC to show it.The practice shows that the data acquisition system with high speed and precision of measurement,simple,powerful,meet the industrial and agricultural production of high-precision data acquisition, Ethernet access needs.It can be directly embedded into the application of real-time remote equipment monitoring the equipment and the operation of various parameters,and it have good prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Acquisition, Power Parameters, Remote Monitoring, DSP, TCP/IP, Ethernet
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