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Tv Book Advertising Research

Posted on:2008-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the years, the advertisements of books on TV have become more and more popular. The prosperity of this has made us probe. People have pondered over two issues. One is what the source of sustained development of this kind of advertisements is; and the other one is what the factors for playing its role are. The thesis, through the view of advertisement and marketing, is based on the reality of this kind of advertisement which is now in an awkward situation.On the standpoint of advertisement, the thesis explores the five factors on the chain of propagation of advertisements. These are stuffs including the identity of advertisers, TV-media, the adaptability of this sort of advertisements, the diversity of its forms, the budget of its fee, its means of controlling, and the efficiency of its audience. Meanwhile, it summarizes the relationship between the effect and effectiveness.On the other standpoint of marketing, the thesis deepens the definition of advertisements. By analyzing this sort of advertisements in books marketing, it probes the means to fulfill the goal of marketing and building up a brand. Besides these, the corporation of books marketing and the life-cycle of books both play important roles of performing the effects of books advertisements.Overall, there is a bright future of books' advertisements on TV ahead of us. Under the condition of brand marketing in the publish-press, people should utilize the TV-media in a more reasonable way.
Keywords/Search Tags:TV, advertisements of books, publication and marketing
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