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Corporate Payroll System Design And Realization

Posted on:2008-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360212999974Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enterprises wage salary is a trivial, complex, very detailed work, which is extremely caution needed. Throughout the last decades, the salary statistic and distribution are mainly handled by manpower, which will inevitably bring errors to the procedure. Empirical analyses show that a heavier work often leads to a higher probability of error making. Except for the time consuming property, the manual work often leads to errors in the salary distribution by negligence in calculating and copying the numbers. Salary distribution is a time limited work, which means the salary calculation and distribution must be finished according to a strict schedule set by the company. It is the repeatability, regularity and time limitation of the enterprise salary management that makes it possible to realize the automatic management. The enterprise salary management (ESM) system is applied to process tons of enterprise salary information by using computer instead of manpower. Meanwhile, the huge amount of salary records can be preserved safely and perfectly. In this work, the ESM system is designed with the essential of object-oriented principle. Thus, the manager can check the employee's information easily and promptly, carry out the information maintenance and management conveniently, and improve the efficiency of enterprise management.In this work, a universal information management system with high efficiency and reliability is designed for the small and medium-sized companies. The enterprise salary management system consists of three major functions listed below. (1) Enterprise Salary Information Settings, which includes setting up the employee's base pay and other items such as bonuses. This function will also be applied to compose and modify the formula, by which the employee's salary can be figured out promptly and correctly. (2) Enterprise Salary Information Management, which is designed for salary calculation, salary inquiry, and exporting salary form. (3) System Maintenance, through which the user can creat new accounts and change the passwords. In summary, the ESM system is able to fulfil the demand for information management of the small and medium-sized companies. The motivation for designing the system is to help the financial department to improve the efficiency, and build up automatic, systematic standards of enterprise salary management. the enterprise can obtain an efficient modern personnel management.My thesis is comprised of five chapters. Chapter 1 highlights the motivation for designing the ESM system. Moreover, I make a brief introduction to the enterprise information management system, and carry out a feasibility analysis on this topic. An introduction of the research tool is presented in chapter 2. Besides the comparison and selection of the research tool, I also make an introduction to the application of VB in detail. In chapter 3, I analyze the potential demand for the ESM system, and introduce the division of function modules. In chapter 4, I elaborate on the design of the EMS system, which includes the log-in interface, the main window module etc.……In chapter 5, I summarize the whole work including the shortage of the designed system, and give some suggestions on the further improvements. Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are the two key parts, in which I elucidate the major points about the design of the ESM system.
Keywords/Search Tags:salary manangement, information management, data inquiry
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