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Economic And Management Books Of Posts & Telecom Press Development Strategy

Posted on:2007-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360182981447Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China's formally joining WTO, Chinese publishing industry hasbegun to break through the limits brought over by the old planned economysystem and seek further development through publishing domain innovationand management reform.This thesis is composed of 6 chapters and tries to analyze newcompetitive strategies and tactics empirically for publishing in new fields bycombining modern corporate strategic management theories and the practicalconditions that the Posts & Telecom Press(PTP) is facing in economics andmanagement books business after 2001.Chapter 1 gives a general information of publishing industry of thecountry. The purpose, object and method of study in this thesis are made clearfirstly, and then, the demand condition of the country's economics andmanagement books market is analyzed and the development status of PTP isintroduced. Chapter 2 reviews the development history of corporate strategicmanagement theories in chronological sequence. It reveals strategicmanagement is a dynamic process composed of 4 different periods, namelythe early strategy ideas stage, the traditional strategy theories stage, thecompetitive strategy theories stage and the dynamic competitive strategytheories stage. Enterprises must pay highly attention to the research ofstrategic management theories. Chapter 3 analyze the outside environment foreconomics and management books publishing industry, the structure ofeconomics and management books publishing industry, and PTP'scompetitive situation in economics and management books. Chapter 4 putforwards PTPs development strategy for publishing economics andmanagement books. A general strategic positioning of PTP for publishingeconomics and management books is discussed. A strategy combiningspecialization and unique characteristic is proposed. In Chapter 5, the way ofimplementing the above mentioned strategies is raised in 4 sections. Insection 1, it is proposed that strategy oriented organization structure should beestablished with clear roles for various departments. In section 2 it isproposed that publish value chain should be optimized through differentialoperating strategy. Section 3 discusses the strengthen of brand running. Insection 4, a dimensional channel network is proposed. The possible problemsin implementing above mentioned strategies are diagnosed in Chapter 6. Ittries to provide two corresponding solutions which is composed of creatingexcellent implementation and reform ability in organizations, and establishingthe service ability adapting to corporate strategic management.
Keywords/Search Tags:publish industry, development, strategy study
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