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Henan Cultural Reform Research

Posted on:2007-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185971472Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2005, the GDP of Henan province average per person has achieved 11,236 Yuan, increased 14% than last year, annual disposable income of urban residents average per person has achieved 8667.97 Yuan, increased 12.5%, the Engel index of the urban households was 34.2%,the living standards of people promoted sharply, so the multidimensional, multilevel and diversity demands of the spiritual and cultural products which needs to continuously enhance, the provincial Party committee and the government sized up the situation, timely made the strategic measures that to develop the cultural industries with great exertion, realize the aim that from a large province with a great of cultural resources leap to a large province with a great cultural industries, and become a mighty province in cultural. However, the old traditional culture system has been severely restricted the development of the cultural industries of the Henan province, so the need to deepen the cultural reform, and further emancipate and develop the productive forces of the culture, and constantly enhance the vitality and competitiveness of the cultural enterprises and institutions which is inevitably emerged before us.In the four parts of this paper, the writer preliminary researched the work to deepen the cultural system reform of the Henan province.The second part, analyzed the problems of the province's cultural system reform in the aspects of ideological, institutional and markets construction, etc. Pointed out that the largest obstacles in the cultural system reform of Henan are the ideological shackles, the fetters on the concept, the traditional culture management system and the lagging behind of the cultural market construction, these reasons block to the development of cultural industries.The third part, from the aspects of the culture management, the ideas, the operating mechanism, the market system etc. which were formed in the last planned economy model of China, analyzed the root reasons which cause the above problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural institutions, Reform, Research
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