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"outlook On The New Theory

Posted on:2004-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092495283Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of Chinese Old Literature and Culture has attained profound and remarkable achievement, meanwhile, scholars noticed that in the process of research, "Sanguoyanyi", "Shuihuzhuan", and other classics gained widepopulairity and attention. However, though classics represent the highest level of Chinese Old Literature, they cannot exhaust the panaroma of literature history. To further analyse the history of the literature, non-classics also deserves our attention."Lin Lanxiang" is the novel that is unique but not received enough attention. It is an important novel with family life. Speaking from the current researching situation, only a few articles and literature books have dissussions about it. In fact, there is still much to be explored in the novel. My thesis thinks that it has family life as theme seemingly, actually it reflects the mood and emotion of people in the late Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. My thesis also thinks that the novel is influenced by "Shijing" and "Lisao", particularly the latter. The folio whig section is going to explore the theme of the novel from the inheritance of "Lisao" and its difference from the novels of remance. I. Time Reflected In The Novel"LinLanxiang" is similar to the drama "Taohuashan", mainly reflectiung the corrupt politics of the Ming Dynasty. They share the several commonality in the point of reflecting Mings corrupt politics: firstly, they directly critise the highest governor-King; secondly, they all descripe the corrupt political situation; the last, they all exclose the struggles between the oppsite parties.II Intake Of "Shijing" And "Lisao""Shijing" and "Lisao" have long been considered two resources of Chinese Literature, the Realisim of the fomer and Romanticism of the latterhave been influencing poets and artists one generation after another. As far as the novel concered, the influnce is not a common one, but the influnce which directly effected the written book, they laid the foundation for"Lin Lanxiang" from the perspetines of material, the theme to the plots.Firstly, the novel imitates the techniques of nominolization and writing priciple to allude meaning; secondly, the main plots in"Lin Lanxiang"are mostly fossilized from"Lisao"; furthermore, the most siginificent leading role of the novel, Yan Mengqing, who is a clone of Quyuan at anther age. Her character, encountments and tragic lives not only reflect the inheritance of Lisao" by the novel, but also they reflect mood of the remaining people of the late Ming Dynasty.III. A Faraway LongingThough the author of "Lin Lanxiang" thought the persons in his novel were matchs of Talents and Beauties novels, the connotions of love and position of in "Lin Lanxiang" and in Talent and Beauties novels are far from the same, they usually emphasize the usual affection, while "Lin Lanxiang" stresses moral character; secondly, the Talents and Beauties novels emphasizes literature abilily, while "Lin Lanxiang" praises high of peoples talent of governess; thirdly, Genglong,the male host in the novel, has the characteristics of the unification of Country and Family, the descriptition of Gengfu, to a certain degree, reflects the situations of Ming dynasty, this novel reveals the reflection of Mingsdounfall by the description of changes in Gengfu.Although Gengfu did not downfall completely, the author mourned for this reason once and again. Why did he has this emotion? If we want to get the proper anters, we must seek it in the "Lisao". In fact, the author must have been enlightened by the allusion of "Wuzizhige", which came from the Xia Dynasty, XiaKang, the king, was been deprived of his regime by HouYi because of his self-indulgent, therefore his five brothers bewailed intheir poems and songs. The explanations by WangYi and ZhuXi particularly deserves our attention, they thought the allusion means the downfull of the country. Because the ideas of ZhuXi had such a noble status in the past, so this allusion can reseasonably connected with the "Wuyuan...
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