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Tcm Telemedicine System Based On The Complexity Of The System

Posted on:2011-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360305972373Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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The diagnosis and treatment in TCM is a dynamic and uninterrupted cognitive process under the guidance of TCM theory. Also, it is a conforming process of the doctor's thoughts for the patient's disease. Conformation referces to the reflection in our mind, which is composed of information and relations. In another word, it is a replication in our mind to things that objectively exist. Different doctors, considering their different accumulated knowledge and clinial experence, will conform different models to the same type disease. Then the diagnoses of different doctors will be different in some aspects; and that will lead to different clinical effects. From this angle, there are practical significance in researching laws of docotors' thought.This thesis relies on the support system research on the diagnosis and treatment information in TCM based on Metasynthesis (No 2006BAI08B05), a research in National Support Plan, and the method research of TCM diagnosis and treatment based on cognitive process (No.30873461), a research supported by National Natural Science Foundation. Since doctors are the decision-makers in the diagnosis and treatment process, it took laws of doctors'thought as the point of penetration in this thesis. Then the author analyzed the forming background, the developement course and determinant basis of the diagnosis and treatment thought. After the analysis, the author made every effort to simulate this kind of thought in the way of combining images and characters in order to regulate doctors' cognitive process further and make it traceable. Besides, based on the knowledges of Machine learning, Natural Langue Processing, Knowldege Engineering and Intelligent Science, the author designed a Web Application Framework used for doctors making decisions remotely. This framework can transform the Implicit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge, so that it gives some clues to searching new techniques and new methods for the diagnosis and treatment in TCM.1.objectives1.1 Proceed from TCM theory to study characteristics and complexity of thought comformaiton in the process of doctors' diagnosis and treatment.1.2 Being geared to the needs of individual doctor, study the circulating process of doctor's diagnosis and treatment including its forming, enriching and improving; and probe into the cognitive characters of individual doctor.1.3 From the angle of system complexity, analyze doctors' different views on the same style problems. 1.4 Utilizing computer techniques, take the medical records as the point of penetration to produce the model of individual doctor's thinking under the guidance of system science.1.5 Under the guidance of Metasynthesis, using some advanced technologies such as Artifical intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Information Technology, Network Technology and Software Engineering, establish an unified computational framework for remote diagnosis and treatment in TCM.2.methods2.1 Under the guidance of TCM theory and Cognitive Science, analyze doctors' complicated cognitive process at all levels.2.2 Utilizing the Mind Mapping, match the original conformation about the disease in the doctor's mind and the objective information manifested by the patient such as tongue manifestation, pulse manifestation and facial manifestation, etc. through the computer system.2.3 Apply Search Engine Technology and its Computational Method to analyze the medical records and transform them into explicit ones.2.4 Apply Agent technology to achieve the complicated solving process guided by problems or case records.2.5 Use the matesynthesis method from quality to quantity to establish an unified computational framework for remote consultation.3 Results3.1 In the process of diagnose and treatment, the doctor's thinking course can be divided into three steps:the first is Acquisition, which means acquiring the information out of the patients; the second is Contemplation, the understanding and management of the disease; finally, Judgment, doctors give and record their decision making according to the experiences and the situation of the patients.3.2 The Overall-sight theory reflects the blended thinking situation of doctor; it is not only the objective characterization of the disease, but also the high degree of unity of subject and object mind.3.3 We profiled the thinking path of the doctors by modeling the dynamic images and text form information.3.4 With the easier strategy, we started from the more specification clinical records of authorities, we used Agent technology to set up the system model.3.5 Mind Mapping is a thinking tool; it follows certain rule and imitates the meMedicine with Agent-based technology.4. Conclusions4.1 The Meta-synthesis method is an effective pathway to increase the clinical cognition level from qualitative to quantitative. The TCM diagnose and treatment system is consist of TCM authorities, information database and computer network. It is an open intelligent system blended human brains with computerization. Among the infrastructures, the human brain is the knowledge creator; computer is the memory unit and information commuter. The communication between human brains, human and computer can finally spring up to group intelligence and that is the best cognition level to the objective situation.4.2 From the Systems Science point of view, that achieve an integration of expert groups, diagnosis and treatment knowledge, and computer techniques, in another word, combine the theories of relative disciplines and human's experience, can give full play to the superiority of entirety and synthesis.4.3 In the face of the same decision-making problem in TCM diagnosis and treatment process, different experts of TCM make decisions partly different. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment evaluation of TCM is dynamic and complicated. For this reason, it cannot be explained in precise data. In this thesis, from the angle of remote consultation, the author studied the establishment of remote diagnosis and treatment system of TCM base on metasynthesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:TCM thinking style, remote diagnosis and treatment, implicit knowledge, Agent technology, Metasynthesis
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