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The Gs Development Strategy

Posted on:2011-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360305494195Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through studying the strategic management theories and combine the enterprise practice, the thesis has adopted the advanced concepts and scientific manners to make a deep research on GS Corporation's strategy.First of all, using PEST Analysis, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model and SWOT Analysis, the thesis analyzed the external and internal circumstances of the company and summed up the external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses. And then, it found some appropriate alternative strategies with Grand Strategy Matrix and made the strategy analysis, appraise and choice for GS Corporation with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix and Fuzzy Optimization Model. Based on the previous analysis and research, the thesis finally came to the conclusion that GS Corporation should adapt the Concentric Diversification Development Strategy, to match the present competitive environment's requirements. What's more, the thesis put forth some strategy implementation proposal including main target market analysis, corporate culture development, organization structure adjustment, mechanism innovation propulsion, assessment and appraisal systems construction, etc., to support the support the full implementation of competitive strategy and achieve the long-term competitive advantage. At last, it gave some advices on the strategic evaluation and adjustment mechanism.The relative research process and manners could provide some reference for the directors and managers in many enterprises manufacturing the titanium mill products, tube and pipe, to grasp the market chances and achieve the long-term competitive advantages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Titanium Industry, Titanium Tube and Wipe, Development Strategy
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