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Food Safety Of Economic Analysis In China

Posted on:2012-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330338954185Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on Akerlof "lemon" market model conclusion: "only inferior car charger, car all market times by extrusion. (or market atrophy 0)", however, in reality, we have not fully find the results, but observed each industry is some enterprises in pursuit of product quality, strong r&d of perfection. Since we admit that the market is in the actual existence of information asymmetry, then, the "pursuit of the perfect product quality," why didn't the producers of "Choice preceded by lemon" market model predicted the acting?Quality is enterprise's profit maximization, in the final analysis, the result of choice, then why some enterprise chose production "high quality", while others chose "inferior", as the "Choice preceded lemon" market model predicted?In the long run, every industry products quality will continuously improve, improve, so this way, the "Chloe o preceded the conclusion of lemons" market model "inferior equilibrium" might not be a stable equilibrium, does it save a continually to "high quality" balanced equilibrium?Your humble and tender, the world. Speculative, and who knows statistical how high, days of high to thick palm thick? Wishful thinking, dream said dream. Laugh at people, also ask forgive me by.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food Safety, Food Quality, Quality Choice
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