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Multi-disciplinary Sub-central City Market Building

Posted on:2011-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332473810Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Specialized market (SM) is a site primarily for wholesale of spot goods in which concentrated trades are carried out on one or more categories of highly complementary or substitutable commodities. It is a market system arrangement for large scale centralized shopping businesses.Since the enactment of opening and reform policy in China, SM has been being developed rapidly. It has been the urban& rural commodity-circulating channel that occupies the largest proportion and grows the most rapidly. With their aggregation and radiation effects SM greatly fuel the national economy growth and the industry restructuring. However, specific to Ji'an, a sub-core city, the construction of SM is relatively lagged behind despite of the City's great achievements in socio-economic development. The local SM is restrained in deficient construction planning and relatively weaker service capacities. Considering Ji'an's increasing growth as a central city and its ambition to build a modern central business district, the government of Ji'an City has taken the construction of SM as one of its urgent agendas.This paper is prepared following a process from theoretical studies through development situation analysis, problem analyses, to strategy& measure recommendations. Taking the significances of constructing SM as its start, this paper makes theoretical analyses and assessments on construction of the market;against the experiences of successful SMs in China and other countries, it probes into the current problems of existing SM in Ji'an;taking account of the local advantages and characteristics, it analyzes the reasonability of building SM in Ji'an;and through SWOT analysis of the basic factors of Ji'an City and local SM construction, it puts forward certain suggestions on the development orientation, construction keynotes and measures appropriate for the SM in the City.
Keywords/Search Tags:specialized market, sub-core city, Ji'an, SWOT analysis
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