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The Strategies Of Application On The Environmental Movement In China

Posted on:2016-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330467997978Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Advent of industrial civilization, China extensive manufacturing expansionreached its limit, making China the world’s factory position. However, China’s percapita GDP reached$5,000when the moderately developed, but also into the ambientpressure during the peak period. Since2011winter fog and haze swept the country,making China the second largest after London,"fog", clearly reveals the extent ofChina’s environmental pollution and ecological deterioration, fresh air, clean water, blueskies have become the people expect, China’s environmental pollution problem isimminent. As people increase environmental knowledge, environmental awareness,more and more people to participate in a variety of environmental activities in the past,in order to protect the environment modest contribution.From the current social and environmental situation, along with the concept ofpublic participation and growing environmental awareness, environmental protectionhas also been an increase in the number of activities, a variety of methods, thediversification of Participant. And guidance on how to effectively deal with theenvironmental movement has become a test of the government’s ability to govern amodern society urgency of the problem, but also to achieve the orderly and efficientmodern environmental movement in order to ensure sustainable economic developmentand improving people’s well-being of society in general concerns.From the macro perspective of analysis "of the environmental movement in thesocial mobilization strategy" study, first by the definition of "environmental movement"concept from both objective and subjective aspects to analyze the causes of theenvironmental movement, while, on the "social mobilization "of the concept andcharacteristics related presentations. Secondly, the environmental movement in thesocial mobilization of the body as the standard, will China’s environmental movementinto a government-led social mobilization, informal organization and socialmobilization network booting three forms of social mobilization. Analyzes the threemain reasons for social mobilization and strategies in the environmental movement in the way, in particular the analysis process, citing the appropriate case to illustrate thefacts. Finally, on the basis of the text of the first summed only in the case of governmentorganizations, non-governmental organizations, online media joint efforts in order to getrid of a bad environment difficult situation continued to deteriorate, a path ofsustainable development, which is to achieve social transformation should havemeaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental movement, Social mobilization, Strategies application
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