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Design And Implementation Of Soldiers Information Management System Of Army

Posted on:2009-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360308478482Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Making use of result of modern info-communication development and integrating with the characteristic of army soldier's management to manage army soldiers by means of computer information system can provide timely and effective management information to support director decision-making and to improve army soldier's management work efficiency to army soldier's nicety. At present, the management work to soldiers mostly depends on the hand work to findsh.However, it will not satisfy the need to development of information in army. It decides to explore the Information Management System of soldiers in order to incrense the work efficiency, realize data shared and help the function of decision-making.This paper is according to the need which strengthen the Information Management System to soldiers in our army.It combines the actual development of the Information Management System and the practical situation of the Soldiers Department.This system could apply the accurate data and the analyzing result in time for soldiers according to the content and characteristics of the work which manage soldiers.This system foucses on the interaction of software,simplicity and principle of visualization.In addition,it can improve the work efficiecy,quality,validity and reliability of the management to soldiers.It will realize the management to soldiers by computer in the army.This paper analyzes the technical fundation of setting Information Management System.It also introdnces the Information Management System through the use of structured analysis. My essay inclndes organization structure, managing operation flow, requirement of users, and etc.It combines the database related theory with the actual situation of the cadre department based on the analysis result. It points out the physical model of system to design with the structure method. It is based on the software platform of system which is Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The program design adopts the Power Builder 9.0, which is visual and object-oriented. The soldier's information management system possesses the advantages such as simple operation, better practicability and friendly interface.
Keywords/Search Tags:Soldiers Information Management, Information Management System, Managerial decision, Database
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