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Xx Soldiers Of Psychological File Management Information Systems Design And Implementation,

Posted on:2013-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368497909Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Against the backdrop of the new military transform, it is a very effective way to upgrade the troops'battle effectiveness by improving the soldiers'psychological education level and helping them cultivate the abiltity to adapt well to high tension and complicated environment psychologically. As one of the cruxes of psychological service for the armed forces, scientific management of the army's psychology files is of paramount importance.This paper summarized the status-quo of and revealed the weaknesses in the psychology files management of PLA. Taking Army XX as the subject of a case study, a detailed analysis was performed of the existing psychology files management system with respect to application background, design requirement, applicability, system structure and data flow. Then a general design was accomplished for a new system based on C/S system structure, featuring Microsoft SQL Server 2003 and Visual C++6.0 for the database system and client software. Afterwards, system tests were carried out, following the development procedure of software engineering and by means of black box test. The test results indicated that the newly-developed psychology files management system has achieved the expected design goal.Featuring four functional modules as log-in management, file search, file management and user aid, the client software is capable of multi-functions to realize file data storage, updating, enquiry, statistics, graphic analysis, deletion and printing, with user-friendly interface. Therefore, the new system is conducive to elevating the information management of psychology files of the army and the psychological guidance of soldiers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management Information System, psychology file information management system, Database
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