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The Study Of The Furnace Flame Temperature Analysis System

Posted on:2011-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the rapid development of the CCD imaging technology and digital image processing technology in the high-temperature furnace,high-temperature measurement technology has made tremendous development. In the production process, regular use of contact temperature detection methods,for their low precision and poor dynamic effects in the industrial environment, has been gradually replaced by non-contact temperature measurement.This article describes the furnace flame temperature analysis system, the main principle of the flame temperature detection, the system hardware configuration, system software development and the pseudo-color display of the furnace flame temperature.The main contents of the article:Principles of the radiation temperature measurement, principles of flame temperature detection, the system's hardware architecture and software development and related image processing technology.ChapterⅠ:Explained the background of the furnace flame monitoring issues and the development of domestic and foreign similar temperature detection history and a detailed description of the studying situation;ChapterⅡ:A brief introduction of the system, the basic principles involved, the principle of the flame temperature detection based on the three primary color discussed in detail;ChapterⅢ:A brief introduction of the structure of the system, and the system's hardware constitution, focuses on the implementation of the system software and image processing technology;ChapterⅣ:A summary of the work, brief description of the system problems and development prospects, nothing that the innovation of this paper;...
Keywords/Search Tags:flame temperature detection, image processing, temperature field
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