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Constructing An SAP BW Data Warehouse Based Decision Support Solution For Marketing Management

Posted on:2009-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272990020Subject:Economic Information Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern business environment, decision-making and competitive strategies of an enterprise are becoming the key factors to success. And information is all that decision-making is based on. Although the capacity of data collection and storage has been improved in the past decades, it's still very difficult to extract enough information out of massive data. It's because that the varieties of business data are usually stored and distributed in heterogeneous environments, which makes it hard to access the data uniformly or to gather and analyze data based on the subject of decision-making. The emergence of data warehouse technology provides a platform to support data analysis and data process from heterogeneous massive data. With the support of data warehouse technology, the role of the enterprise information system has been raised from daily business operation support to decision-making support of management.Taking the fact that the application of data warehouse technology in China is still in its initial stage and there are more theoretical discussions than real implementations, this article gives a detailed analysis to the BW data warehouse system, which is a product of the famous software provider SAP Co., and tries to constrict a solution of SAP BW warehouse based decision support system based on the analysis and the related literature materials together with the author's intern experience on data warehouse implementation projects. With this solution, theoretical analysis and empirical study of the application of the data warehouse system in marketing management will be taken to provide some practical guidelines for enterprises applying data warehouse systems.With the development and improvement of informatization in China, the application of data warehouse has become more and more business intelligence oriented. However, information technology is only a tool to support decision-making and assistant approach of management. Its value can only be realized when combined with the management thoughts of the enterprise. Today, China still has a long way to go to catch up with other countries in management level. In the process of introducing advanced information system products and solutions into China, enterprises must seize the opportunity to learn all the outstanding management ideas and improve their working processes and working methods according to their own characters. This would be very helpful in promoting their competence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Warehouse, Marketing Management, SAP BW
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