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Analysis Of Blog-Dissmation In The Web2.0 Era

Posted on:2009-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HanFull Text:PDF
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Network Communication media attention in recent years is one of the focuses, in particular, it's interactive and user initiative features far out perform traditional media. Web2.0 as a new stage of development in network media brings a more revolutionary idea which built up a more powerful impact to the traditional media. According to the core philosophy of Web2.0, the Internet should be more humane, more democratic, more social, more people-centered. Therefore, internet should be set up with the goal in which to put up your best effort to meet all kinds of needs and requirements from people and society. Each individual is supposed to express freely with their own personalities throughout the internet and the internet should provide the opportunity for users to share information, there should also be a special channel for users to get along, keep contact and establish a good and constant relationship with each other, as well provide access between users for more interaction and communication and let them create value at the same time. Web2.0 is the most advanced program of network information application proposed on the basis of the past ten year's accumulation of network technology. Blog - Web logs, Web2.0 are the most familiar element with people, at the very beginning it only played as a personal Web log for users to read and write. Later on, however, during occurrences of some significant events, reporters immediately put the news and the pictures they took at the scene in their own Blogs which resulted in the Blog becoming an important source of information as well as a new way of news reporting.This paper is divided into four parts for further research and analysis under the Blog era and Web2.0 Part I: Focus on the meaning of Web2.0 as well as its characteristics and application research. Web2.0, can be regarded as the general name of the newly developed internet applications which are closely related to web1.0 .This is a tremendous change from core- content to external-application. Web2.0 has grown from Web1.0 which was simply browsing through the web browser html page model, to be more substantial in content, more relatable, new model development which already reflected this new trend in the development. Web2.0 is not a specific thing, but a stage; it is a general name of an attempt to achieve the various technologies and related products and services, collectively. Therefore, we can not say what web2.0 is, but what can be said is Web2.0 is a Blog, a tag, SNS, RSS, Wiki applications at the core, based on XML, AJAX new theory and technology to meet the new generation of the Internet model.Part II: mainly elaborated in the dissemination of the private Perspective log and its value. Blog is the typical representative where people can be highly aware of personalized content products and can fully express themselves freely and highly at the same time. In other words, it requires the content and the manner of the speech reflecting the different personalities to your own. Newspapers, radio, television, news reports, the initial words are all alike as "Good morning everyone ", "How are you everybody", or simply nothing in particular, no sense of objects, it seems each audience is absolutely the same to them. There is no difference of the content of the news whether the news is watched by a single person or by one million people. The Blog, under Web 2.0 technologies is fully embodied in the characteristic communications. "How are you" has been changed into "Hello" and "everyone" has been changed into "you or me". Every message left in the Blog representative's view of an independent subject, for example, some people are great Fans of Li Yuchun while some others totally dislike her because they can't accept her neutral style. Under this circumstance, people can express themselves to the public whatever and whenever they feel like throughout the Blog.The third part elaborated on Blog– Blog has created a new way of life, It can be said that the Blog under Web2.0 era has changed people's way of life. December 26, 2007, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) announced the "2007 China Blog survey report." The report showed that at the end of November 2007, the space China Blog has reached is 72.82 million; the Blog authors are up to 47 million which means there is one Blog author out of an average of every four internet users. Blog market is apparently booming. Furthermore, about 17 million Blog authors which is up to 36% of the total are active in the job. It is estimated that the effective space of active Blog authors is 28.75 million. It can be seen that Blog and people's lives have been closely related to each oth er.The emergence of private Blog is a progress of technology, it would be better to say it is the progress of society; it is the result of opening the private sector and the public sector. In contrast with the public sector, the private sector is based on the personality of an independent individual where each individual can write, talk, contact, exchange ideas according to their own interest, hobbies, commitment or lifestyle, such as freedom, non-executive and independent activities and private space activities. Previously, the individual"appearance"in the public domain mostly received the help from the public dissemination organized by the public media, which not only went through processes of many tests but also ended up with the form of a third-person objectively talked about. The instant increase of Private Blogs means the plentiful view of the private sector has emerged in the network landscape surface. Take this as a good start; it will certainly lead the whole world eventually to enter into to a new universal communication period.Finally is the outlook of the Prospect of Network Blog, The Blog website is developing rapidly, but it is not reality for the amateur transmission power to replace the traditional territory of professional media organizations. The increase of participation in communication does not mean the full satisfaction for the information needs. For the modern society, information is indispensable at no time and it must be overall in stability. Only professional institutions are capable of standardizing and continuing to collect and publish activities to meet the information needs of the community as a whole. Non-professional participation in the network transmission, will probably result in the complexity of the information because it difficult to judge what information is accurate. Therefore, it is an inevitable that some authoritative, reliable publishers have emerged from numerous communicators. In this circumstance, the relationship between the Blog website with professional media organizations will be formed into complementary competition, as well as interaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blog-Dissmation
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