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Design And Implementation Of Construction Committee Value Fixed And Management Based On Hibernate

Posted on:2009-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242981580Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Internet and enterprise the urgent needs of office automastion, information networks are growing for the "fourth media". It is the acquisition and the realization of social function of a variety of main carrier. As a business project, the implementation of the project that is attribute to the Construction Committee Value Fixed is prompt to be managed counterparts to the management of service-oriented role of conversion, increasing revenue and expenditure, improving efficiency, raise the level of market information.The System of Construction Committee Value Fixed is Structured With the aim of servicing market, based on Construction Cost document, Regulations, Project cost information management industry Providing by Project Cost administrative departments. Computer networking equipment and advanced technology development for backing, Providing comprehensive, accurate, real-time construction project cost information services to Member units.This paper is based on the System of Construction Committee Value Fixed, mainly on the System Design and Implementation. The actual development process in the main technical difficulties and achieve a detailed briefing. This article reads as follows.First, the background and purpose of system development is introduced and research on the content of the whole. This system is based on J2EE multiple architecture and Hibernate persistence technique. Finally, the structure and organization of the work is given.Secondly, main technique of this system is dwelled on. MVC pattern is used in the system. MVC pattern makes system development much faster and improves system reliability. DAO pattern encapsulates data operation details and provides a consistent interface for upper layer, therefore it can reduce the dependence on databases of the system, simplify system development and improve efficiency of the system. OOP(Object Oriented Programming)is widely used because it can improve software productivity through reuse mechanism. In this paper, the system is analyzed and designed through OOP method, and UML language is used to build domain model in which use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram and activity diagram are used to define system functions and complete system design.Then, Hibernate persistence technique is introduced. Hibernate is a Professional Open Source project. It is a powerful, high performance object-relational persistence and query service. It lets users develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and collection. Because of its robust ORM, high performance of query and data persistence, effective cache, transaction and concurrency mechanism, it is selected in the system to fulfill the tasks of persistence layer. So the paper uses Hibernate persistence technique for the persistence management.Next, the detailed presentation of Construction Committee Value fixed system is given. It is divided into whole design and detailed design. the system is divided into five layers: Client Tier is to provide an interface for the input of users, pass them to web tier using http/https protocols and show results to users. It is implemented by HTML and Applet; Web Tier is used to accept user input, select appropriate business model to process them and return results to client tier. It is fulfilled using JSP and Servelet technique; Business Tier takes charge of providing different models to complete specific tasks and accomplish requests from users. JavaBean components technique is introduced into this system to accomplish business logic; Persistence Tier is responsible for the mapping between objects and relational database. It encapsulates data operations, completes data persistence and synchronizes results of the cache with database; Data Tier sees to the data storage and Oracle database is chosen to achieve this task. JavaBean components technique is used to build components models. Through JavaBean, the functions of Java applications can be extended infinitely and new applications can easily be composed. So JavaBean is selected in this system to execute complicated computation tasks and build business models, so that it can enhance system flexibility and code reusability. In the detailed design, every model is dwelled on. An example that is User Management Graphical Interface is given. On the business logic processing and business class graphic design are described in conceptual model.Last, I discuss the cache mechanism of Hibernate, Hibernate's paging mechanism and big data instance in Hibernate. Taking Hibernate persistence layer to the realization as an example:1) Using a Auxiliary Class HibernateUtil manages Initialing Hibernate, reads Configuration information of Hibernate, creating Session Factory Examples in final.2) Mapping File. Design of the system entities and relationships is mapped to relational databases by Using Configuration File. System entities'Association is primarily for one-on-one and one-to-many relationship. Inheritance choosing A specific category corresponding relationship between a table and inheritance tree root table a corresponding realization of the mapping strategy According to the circumstancesThen, I conclude the work that is done and imagine the prospects of the following work. Hibernate lasting constant in-depth study of the application of technology and other related technology, to optimize the structure of the system design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation
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