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Design And Implementation Of Online Programming Practice Platform

Posted on:2009-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242980616Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of computer network technology and themost widely Internet, Web-based teaching model has developed fleetly,Web-based educational software and teaching site has been a lot ofdevelopment and application. This network model of teaching has make theefficiency and performance of the student learning improved obviously andbrought new learning experience to them. As a new teachingmodel, relyingon the Internet network-aided teaching has been provided with a uniqueposition compared to traditional teaching methods. Firstly of all, theresourcesofteachingareveryrich,studentscouldachieveinmanyrespectsrelevant information likelythe knowledge of classroom teaching and enrichtheirknowledge widelythroughthenetwork.Secondly, Teachingmeans arevarious, Other than it could be able to provide students with the necessaryteaching theories information also provides students with online practiceplatform which allowed students to understand their own learningoutcomesimmediatelyandMasteroftheirownlevelofknowledgecouldhaveabetterunderstanding. Thirdly, No longer subject to the limitations of time andspace,student could study through the network landing system at anytimeandanywhere.Lastly,therelationshipbetweentheteachersandstudentshasbeen changed. The teachers is the centre for traditional teaching model andthestudenthadtopassivelylearningknowledge.However,thestudentisthecenter for network teaching model, students take the initiative to acquireknowledgeandenhancethepositivityofthestudy.Online Programming Practice Platform system has designed base onthe research of the network teachingtheoryand program design teachingonthe actual situation at the campus. The platform is designed to improveprogram design ability of student, enhance the capacity of program design practice, implement of algorithms and code sharing. As well as In order tosolve the existing problem in programming design teaching too muchemphasis classroom teaching and knowledge point, moreover ignoring thepractical ability. This paper has described the purpose, characteristics andsignificance of the design and implementation of platform system, also takeananalysisofthefeasibilityoftheplatform.The application of Web technology is variety, the development of thisplatform system is applied to LAMP open-source development frameworkwhich is more popular Web development technology at present.Open-source software in promotingthe development of China's education isvery important: 1. Saving information technology education capital, respectfor intellectual property rights. 2. High-performance, stability and safetymaintenance cost savings. 3. Facilitate the localization and customization,reduce dependence on proprietary software. 4. Training students for theteam capability, in-depth research and innovation capability. It is preciselythese advantages of open source software, both within the campus networkand Internet networks have been widely used. At present Apache serversoftware has been widely used to Web server software to publish yourwebsiteinmanyschoolsthatincludemanyfamousuniversity.Otherwisetheopen source Linux operating system used more widely, t has been usedthroughout all of the domestic institutions of higher learning, and even nowmanywell-known commercial sites are usingit as server operatingsystems.It is preciselybecauseof opensourcesoftwareto bringus so manybenefits,we will use it, while we take an open-source software advocate andpromote.The system architecture of platform use the B/S Web structure, that themaintenance of the system can quickly and easily upgrade. In thedevelopment and implementation process have been introduced in many places is arelativelynew technologyAjax.CompareAjax technologytothetraditional structure, the advantages is that the Web server and browser dataexchanged between a significant reduction and faster response. Under thepremise of without Refresh the page, he data had been updated and broughtthe user a new experience. This paper focus on the basic theory study andresearch, moreover innovation is equally important goals. This is why weuse the original intention of Ajax that also indeed to the entire project hasbroughtgoodresult,itmakesthewholesystemmoreenhancedeaseofuse.Platform system has been simple materials to students on the basictheory of programming languages. In each class were equipped withsynchronous Exercises, after studying theoretical knowledge, the studentcould learned to consolidate their theoretical knowledge bydoing exercises.Butwhat ismoreimportantistheactualpracticetheabilityofProgrammingin their own hands. This is also the first aim of the system platform designthat is combining theory and practice more emphasis on practical ability.Improve students in the auxiliary programming capacity is realized byonline judge which have many problems. According to students withdifferent levels set these problems which adapt them to online judge.Platform system support teaching methods as much as possible to mobilizethe enthusiasm of students. Also provide students with a broad exchange ofspace. In order to increase student learning fun platform design of a similargame upgrade management system. On the one hand, the Web site usage ofstronger management more Humanized. On the other hand students a senseof competition and the pursuit of higher goals momentum. This assistedlearningisthebestwaytopromotelearning.Programming is now compulsory professional courses for most of thecomputerstudents whiletherearemanyoftheamateurprogram design.Thekey of learning program design is actual hands-programming capacity. In this regard, network teaching more than traditional teaching methods toimprovestudentachievement.This paper details the system of the platform structure and systemarchitecture,outlinedthestructureofthefunctionalmodules,presentedeachof the functional modules to be accomplished the task, and introduced theprinciple of the whole system development overall planning design andrealization process. The paper analysis of the relevant theory, The systemtargets to be achieved at this stage to do a detailed description and the coremodules of the system and the key technology used to do in-depth researchand analysis. On the use of the MySQL database has been introduced andincludedesignandimplementationthedatabaseintheplatform.The design requirements goal had been achieved throughbrowser-graphdisplayinterfacewhatwecouldseeatlastinthisarticle.Through repeated testing of systems and the practical application ofusers,itshowsthatthesystemcanbesafe,efficientandstableoperationandprovidestrongsupportandhelptothestudent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation
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