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Design And Implementation Of The Web-based Securities Trading Platform

Posted on:2008-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242460279Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the domestic enlargement of the scale of securitiestransactions with securities trading network for investors hasbeen increasing. Various securities companies have launchedtheir own securities trading platform on the market ofsecurities trading platform is synchronized many. However,a general review of the software, most systems are designedto become an independent software model. Although thesesoftware security, and strong analytical ability, butinconvenient for customers to install software (such ascustomers who are abroad or in cafes), a need to install, safe,and convenient, will not stay the way that transactions in thelocal paper it is very necessary. The website will be able toconduct transactions on the way, is undoubtedly the mostconvenient choice.For many reasons, to the browser as the carrier ofsecurities trading platform, has not been great development.One of the main reasons is the past securities investors tohighend customers, most customers at fixed, and this part ofa single customer on the use of functional browser notinterested in the mode of transaction. Another major reason,or is that Web services technology has not quite perfect.Many of the loopholes, making securities transactions such as financial flows related to the activities are in a state ofinsecurity. Out of the many factors to consider, majorbrokerage firms, have abandoned the Webbasedtradingplatform development. The domestic Web servicestechnologybasedsecurities trading platform, has been in astate of stagnation.However, as the development of Web technology andnetwork security technology improved, Webbasedsecuritiestrading system has become increasingly simple convenienttransactions demonstrate the advantages. With marketdemand, securities companies have also begun to considerthe premise of guaranteeing security, the establishment ofordinary people in the browser can be on the application ofthe trading system to the increasingly competitive marketadvantage. With the injection of capital and the support oflarge companies, I believe that in the next very short periodof time, domestic Webbasedsecurities trading platform willbe able to rapidly develop.It is in this Webbased securities trading platform forthe new company by the Securities attention to thebackground of the big completed creation.This paper introduces the topic research background,significance, as well as domestic and internationaldevelopment of a major research paper. And then to create a trading platforms at the core, and gradually introduced thesystem needs to establish some basic techniques, includingthe concept of Web services and related agreements andtechnical specifications (XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI,etc.). The XML data description, SOAP responsible forcalling Web services, in charge of Web services WSDLdescription, and UDDI Web services is responsible for thepublication and discovery. Then, the system introduced bythe selection of development tools. On Microsoft's. NETplatform for a comprehensive study, analysis. NETdistributed computing model and crosslanguage,crossplatformfunctionality, as well as ASP.NET, ADO.NET, B/Sstructure technology. B/S structure, namely Browser / Server(browser / server) structure, along with the rise of Internettechnology, the C/S structure, or a change in the structure ofimprovement. B/S Development Model is actually thedistribution of C/S structure in the Internet / Intranet on theexpansion. On this basis, on the objectorientedanalysisand design techniques, project description, as well as onsystem performance demand on the system analysis, designand build process on the function of the system and databasemodules of the design, on the application of the threetierarchitecture, detailed description of EC to the importanttechnology and systems can be achieved. Using advanced. NET framework of ASP.NET and ADO.NET technology,user interface layer to achieve the design, portability, andcode execution high efficiency, convenience and databaseconnectivity. Advanced XML technology to increase thesystem's crossplatform,scalabili ty and normative. Serverside,the system uses the Windows 2000 server, security andgood, stable operation, management easier. Databaseplatform using SQL Server 2000, easytouse,scalability,and software integration with a high degree of correlation.Securities trading system based on the overall structure ofthe way the browser application network structure of thethreetiersystem, the client using Web platform, improvingthe system's ease of maintenance and ease of use. Systemuses cache technology and multithreading technology, toimprove the operating speed of the system, to shorten theresponse time delay. System full use of IIS and SQL Server2000 Security Strategy, adopted the role and powers ofmanagement, and improving the system's security. Finally,system architecture design, table design and frontenddevelopment, build a based on B / S multilayer structure toASP.NET and SQL database based on the background ofsecurities trading platform.Investors through the Web browser log on to thesecurities trading platform, can facilitate the sale of the securities commission, and to be commissioned by thetransaction before the revocation. Users can not only checktheir account balances and stock positions of assets, also canlearn about the history of the commission entrusted with therecord turnover situation. Helping investors to be able tograsp investment accounts detailed information.The system has good flexibility, ease of use, ease ofmaintenance, easy scalability, the advantages of bettersecurity. While people can simultaneously accommodate thecommission. The system also uses load balancing, cachingtechnology, the system is processing speed, short responsetime delay, it is said to the browser layer, the system userconvenience, security higher.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation
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