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Study On Highly Extensible Component-Based Configuration Software

Posted on:2008-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242458962Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The notation of configuration is known by the technician of Production Process Automation with the appearance of Distributed Control System (DCS). Configuration software is a software platform for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, (SCADA). Nowadays, many organizations and institutions, which are inland or abroad, engage in the research of configuration. Some configuration software has appeared in the market since 1990s.With the high-speed development of the modern industry, business enterprises more and more highly require the automation of production and the integration of various complicated information. Due to Configuration Software of computer control have a lot of features such as flexible development, highly reliability, distributed controlling and collecting monitoring, it can get an extensive application, and play a more and more important role in the industrial supervision system. In view of the weakness of traditional Configuration Software such as weak expandability and long development cycle, the article proposes a model of Component-Based Configuration Software.CBCS, the Component-Based Configuration Software, based on the system structure of configuration software, abstract the relatively independent functions within the system of configuration software into various independent components, then according to the description of system general configuration and the description by component itself, put the components into the components of software system, different sets constitute Component Library based on which construct parts, Configuration Develop Kit and Configuration Run Kit are realized, and therefore configuration software is componentized and can be come into being flexible, expansible and reusable configuration software. The most important thing in the process of componentizing configuration software is to construct Component Library which is the essential part of component configuration software and is made up of Components and the implementation of the Components Management. Component set is composed of individual components.In this thesis, we use component technology to ameliorate the design and development of configuration software. The main contents and achievement of research are as follows:1. We analyze some popular configuration software and summarize their shortage. Then, we put forward a scheme, which adds the component technology in the design and development of configuration software.2.We expound Component-based Software Development and analyze the requirement, the structure and the function of configuration software. After that, we design a framework of Component Based Configuration Software (CBCS).3.The design and implementation of CBCS real-time component, nowatime, most real-time databases of configuration software are centralized or distributed, this thesis analyses the the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of real-time database structure and puts forward the combination of the centralized and distributed database structure.At last, this kind of design and implementation is realized.4.The design and implementation of CBCS GCI (Graphic Consumer Interface) component, after the repeated analysis and summarize of the GCI components structure and the function of it, this thesis designs the chart of the GCI component based on the component technology and realize the design and implementation of the relative function.5. After we primarily finish the design and implementation of CBCS, we fulfill a configuration project of supervisory system of a Tunliu coalmine gas with CBCS. And we compare the configuration results of CBCS with typical configuration software, and the comparison validates the feasibility and superiority of CBCS.
Keywords/Search Tags:component, configuration software, real-time database, software reuse
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