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Research Of The Data Mining And Analysis Based On Logistics Distribution System

Posted on:2008-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212497451Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society, logistics has become an indispensable things,theoperationlevelof thelogisticshasbecomeakeyfactortoimproveenterprises overall competitiveness, even become an important signsof the degree of civilization. However, due to the relatively latedevelopment of Chinese logistics industry, particularly in the relativelybackward western logistics enterprises, level in the application ofinformation technology and information systems have laggedsignificantly behind, thus greatly hindered improvement of theoperation and management level of logistics enterprises. There willhave an impact on the further development of logistics enterprises iftheseproblemsarenotresolved, and it willalso increase the gap withdeveloped countries.Therefore, we can raise the level of management of logisticsenterprisesinthe western regionandpromote thedevelopmentof thewestern logistics through the following two ways. On one hand,Developing a MIS for the management of the logistics company'sbasic operations, using computers to replace the original manuallabor, and simplify and increase the efficiency, and integrateenterprise resource, and regulate business operations; Other hand,onthebasisoftheMISoperation,useofdatamininganalysissystemto collect, analyze and mine the accumulated operational data ofcompany, and find out potential business opportunities, and providedecision support for the far better development of company.Ontheabovegoals,wehavedonealotof practicalwork.First,wefind a western logistics companies that is representative as logisticssupport unit, and have a detailed study on the logistics business, withthecompany'sbusinessandcorporateleadersforaseriesof in-depthexchange of opinions and discussions, and have a detailedunderstanding on the business process and business model,aggregated enterprise model and the system model; Then we useadvanced computer technologyand network resources, and integrateadvanced logistics management model, and conform to the actualbusiness processes, developed a suitable MIS that can promote thedevelopment of companies, and the MIS have operating on the enterprises. We participated in the research, design, realization,testing and operation and maintenance of all processes. With thecontinuousoperation,system willhave accumulated large amountsofbusiness data. On this basis we have further discussed about dataanalysis and mining, and create the data warehouse for the deliveryrelated data. We achieve customer business inquiries analysis;customer business forecast analysis, and customer partition analysisusing advanced data mining method and technology. Eventually MISfunctions include the management of business information, businessdata statistics, the control and standardization of business processesand the delivery related customer information's analysis andforecasting; Moreover, the system have a greatly improving to thecompany's management, and provide a reliable comprehensive datafor the company's financial operations, and provide a fullunderstanding of the company's platforms and provide supportdecision for the companymanagement.This thesishasfourmain parts:The first part is mainly about the logistics development andprojects background. Among them, in addition to brief description ofthe logistics development and projects background, there areintroduction about the purpose and significance of the projectresearch and the concrete work.The second part is the brief introduction about the systemarchitecture, system technology and developing tools. There is aintroduction of thefive-storysystem structurewhich is divided into theclient level, the business level, the operational level, the datapersistence layer and the database layer, and the benefits andadvantages of this structure are introduced too. In the realization ofthe projects, UML,MVC,J2EE and data mining techniques areused. Here is about technical characteristics, composition and usageof the above techniques. In this part we have a brief explanationabout the choice of the system development environment andoperating environment, too.The third part is a detailed description about the functions andimplementation processes of system. This is the main part of thepaper.Therearetwomainareasinthispart:ontheonehand,thereisthe reason and process of building data warehouses. On the otherhand, there is the analysis of the system implementation process in detail.First of all, we introduced the MIS, so that we can understand theorigin and significance of data warehouse. Then, there is detaileddescription about the creation of a data warehouse. Then, there isdetail introduction to each analysis function that include OLAPanalysis for clients Business, the prediction analysis for clientsbusiness, and clustering algorithm description and achievement forcustomer's partition. Finally, there is a further statement of how toachieve the function of the system, that including the realization of.the businesslevel,operational level,the data persistence layer.The last part of the paper is the summary of the paper and workprospects of the project. This part is a summary of the entire paper, itincludes the major work done and the results obtained; at the sametime we introduced the shortcomings on the work and the prospect offuture work.In short, the project's main task is researching and developing ofa MIS and analysis system to the west logistics company, and applythesatisfactoryoutcometothewesternlogisticscompany.Thegoalisto improve enterprise operations management level and promote thedevelopmentofthewestlogisticsenterprises,itwillbecometrue.Themost important thing is that through the promotion and running of theMIS reach for the purpose of the management's standardization andregularization of the entire western logistics enterprise, and improvingefficiencyand lowering costs, ultimatelyspeed up the development ofthe entire western logistics enterprise. Through the research anddevelopment of the system, we have a better understanding to theadvanced application software development technology. Meanwhile,we have a better understanding to the concepts, framework andprocess of the data warehouse and data mining and the data miningalgorithm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Distribution
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