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Design And Implementation Of The Road Traffic Illegal System Based On J2EE Platform

Posted on:2008-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212496067Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of the management of information technology. traffic manage departments and drivers ask many of the new requirements of "road traffic illegal system". For traffic manage departments, they requires not only a simple system can record the driver and vehicle violations. They hope to achieve more convenient management functions can also facilitate the management function of the driver. For example, flexible handling of the law and statistics, analysis, mining, through these means, Traffic manage departments can grasp the offense, the development trend of the vehicle, operating characteristics. Then be in a better allocation of manpower resources; For drivers, They hope to facilitate the convenient way through various inquiries into its offense, scoring situation. 2004, the new road traffic law promulgated new regulations strictly regulate the way for traffic management. also issued a code unification of the country and asked data sharing to the "Vehicle System" "Driver System," of the Ministry of Public Security.The application of traditional architecture(client/server) has failed to meet the real demands. Client configuration of the original system are higher, After each program changes and needs of each client upgrade to the new program. It reducing the system's scalability and availability greatly, and improved maintaining and operational costs. And the existing system is a closed system, can not share data with the Ministry of Public Security's "Vehicle System" "Driver System," and lets traffic manage department has difficulties in the unified management. Meanwhile existing system relatively simple single function has been unable to meet the regulatory requirements of new traffic law.Meanwhile, in the wake of the rapid development of Internet technology, and how to structure more powerful functions, more flexible application has become a hot explored. J2EE can be transplanted with a good, scalability, etc., gained widespread attention in the development of application systems. MVC design pattern of development to overcome the shortcomings of traditional development pattern will show a clear separation of logic and business logic. can meet the increasingly complex needs of the application system design, J2EE MVC design pattern and the pattern of development as the current development of the combination of choice.To adapt to the new regulatory requirements, and to achieve the "Vehicle System", "Driver System," the association and the sharing of information We designed and developed a system based on J2EE framework. The new system needed to meet the requirements of the new law, the management and functionality can be extended further. The new system must meet the following objectives : 1, based on J2EE. browser / server (Server) mode. 2, with MVC (Model) mode to achieve Model, View, separation. 3 that can be used for the province, inter-provincial exchange of data and achieve long-distance liable to pay local function. 4, the pilot transmitted to the banking system to receive payment accounts and automatic reconciliations. 5, to print all the standard legal instrument. 6, to facilitate the inquiry data, statistical analysis. 7, the system has good performance and scalability.So, in terms of the overall said that the goal of this project is to achieve a framework based on J2EE, stable performance, illegal processing function rich system for the management and analysis of road traffic. As road traffic for the government and the people have a very important significance, therefore, For this topic to enhance road traffic management has a positive and far-reaching significance.Based on the above goals, The new system used in the design of the J2EE framework and the way to achieve revenue Struts MVC pattern As a support system on the basis of sequence, and in the development of systems based on the various functions.In this paper the design and realization of road traffic system. Struts J2EE framework has explored the use of technology. EJB technology and middleware as well as a variety of technologies such as the MVC design pattern design and implementation. Focus on a basic framework design, system design competence as an example, a full analysis of the system. Decomposition level in the framework of the system, so the system is a clear, well-defined goals, IBM WebSphere deployed in the eventual realization of the system based on J2EE framework of the law on the road.This paper introduce the mainstream of current J2EE and Struts Web application technology and related technical, the total use of the MVC design pattern advantage. In addition, introduce the background of this project, and the requirements. brief description of the basic functions of the system and support system to achieve the function, then the system's needs, detailed description of the system design and implementation of data from the visit, the basic categories and tools categories, print documents, external data interface, power management, and other aspects of the system design process and detailed analysis method. Illegal use of the road system in the view layer JSP development Page handled the approval process control, and illegal flow primarily on the control layer to handle; Other business logic layer on the model. This system is mainly used Struts Framework procedures used to design and implement the MVC pattern. Has good expandability, and maintainability, and platform independent. Finally, the paper summarizes the edge of the Java J2EE technology and the prospects for the future development trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation
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