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Design And Implementation Of The Army Officer Appointment And Removal Official System Based On J2EE

Posted on:2008-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212496029Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New requirements on winning the high-tech wars are needed for the cadre work in army. Cadre departments at all layers should not only master the information of cadres and the condition of the army construction in their own department comprehensively and accurately, such as cadres arrangeme- nt, the quantity and quality of cadres, but also need to master a specific officer's detailed conditions timely including his or her academic, specialty, experience and quality. Only by doing so can we grasp the overall situation of cadres'construction in the army, arrange the cadres troops scientifically and rationally in order to make the army stronger and integrated, achieve complementariness of advantages and combination of the good aspects, and all of the measurements above will enhance the whole battle effectiveness of the army. However, if we want to achieve the goal, a high efficient database official system is needed, which not only can combine the useful informati- on in the separate official system, reduce the redundant data, and resolve the problem of useless data; but also can enhance the efficiency according to the current and future need. The project of"The Official System of Appointme- nt and Removal of Army Officer Based on J2EE"is established in this back- ground.The whole process of the appointment and removal of army officer is included in the system. From receiving the request to building the scheme of appointment and removal (rank promotion), to making the command or request, and to creating the documents which is authorized by the leaders and so on. All of these can be finished in this system, and all of the process can be controlled. The successful development of effective running of the system make the work of appointment and removal of army officer leap from the traditional means of manual operation into office automation, and data management of cadres leap from manual to modernization, and archives'search leap from human to computer, consequently the system makes the procedures of appointment and removal standard, the operation means intelligent, archives'search automatic, and data statistic prompt.Meanwhile, the system also decreases a lot of basic duplicate tasks, effectively enhance the quality and efficiency.In function modules, this system is divided into 5 subsystems, namely: appointment, removal and military rank promote subsystem, statistic and tables subsystem, quality assessment subsystem, document transaction subs- ystem and system maintenance subsystem.There are three modules in the appointment, removal and military rank promote subsystem. Including scheme management, request management and command management. This subsystem mainly deals with the appoint- ment and removal, retirement, demobilization and rank promotions of army officers. It can build schemes of appointment and removal through the officers'information and prearranged data in basic database. the schemes should be discussed by Party committee, and then, the commands will be created from the schemes directly if the privileges are belonged to the same Party committee, or the requests will be created from the schemes. Statistic and tables subsystem includes three main modules: the report table management, statistical analysis, roster management. This subsystem mainly deals with all kinds of daily operations, such as the tables of appoint- ment and removal (rank promotion) of officers and the cadres'registration forms. count the number of prearranged,existing,overstaffed or understaffed and analyse the quality of cadres of all or selected departments. some statis- tical analysis applications are designed into separate functional components, and the system provide an open statistical analysis for special circumstances statistics.roste of cadres of at and above divisional level or random roster can be generated and managed,and print these roste according to the cadres'departments or headship.Quality Assessment Subsystem consists of three modules, namely: Eva- luation voting, results account and data management. This subsystem can make full use of the available data of basic database, it creates the test the quality assessment program from collecting the basic information, which will be browse by all customer ,of the cadres, Evaluation of data disaggrega- ted statistical analysis, Generating comprehensive quality evaluation summ- ary statements. Staffs prepare the evaluation program, participate in theappraisal of the staff only need on the Web by selecting elements of the evaluation assessment meeting, the browser Evaluation will be completed on the overall quality of the object evaluation, the evaluation work to achieve the long-distance and intelligent. Assessment of quality as a direct result of the appointment and removal of the important bases.Document Transaction subsystem including 3 modules archives search, documents management, telephone records management. Through this subsystem, we can browse the commands of appointment and removal according to keyword, and also can access all personnel scanned documents according the cadrs' the handling process, something which need grant by leaders can be sent through documents management. The telephone from superior, junior or orther friendly departments are recorded and reported to the Chief Executive and then as a basis for working archived. System maintenance subsystem including user management, privilege management and database management module.this subsystem prepare some data indeed for the entire system normal running, setting up user rights, maintenance of infrastructure database, and so on.In the structure, system uses B/S structure, J2EE framework of the three-tier system and MVC (model, control, view) design pattern, this structure makes the system stability. At the same time, the system adopts both of Hibernate and Struts, and makes the data access and the business operation control more convenient and safer.In the design aspect, the system adopts the mind of OO, the system design tasks should be finished according to procedure of the system requirements, system analysis, system design, the objects design and the objects implementation.The system is discussed from the following aspects among the process of the design in this paper: The concept of the tasks about appointment and removal to the officers, the necessity and the feasibility of the system.the requirements analysis. the key technologies and the correlative development tools introduction.the frame and the design of the system. the implementati- on of the system. the conclusion and the prospect. Among them, the requirements analysis part has introduced the business function modulesdetailed, the frame and the design of the system part has introduced the three layers of J2EE and its application in the system, and explained the total design of the system. Depending on the OOA, OOD and UML, the subsyst- em is designed with the class charts and use case charts; there are five components shown in the implementation of the system part. And then take the quality estimate subsystem as a example, the paper gives the flow chart and the code. Finally, the conclusion and the prospect are given in the paper.In the process of writing the paper and designing the system. I comply with the mind of software engineering, combined with actual need, have established the system development regulations, adopt the OO method, enh- ance the efficiency by reuse, alleviate the following pressure. Meanwhile, pouring the OO methods to the system design, finally the system is complet- ed by adopting the use case charts and class charts as the design methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implementation
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