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The Present Situation And Countermeasures Of China's E-reader Publishing In 3G Era

Posted on:2011-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Driven by the trends in digital publishing, new media and publication forms emerge in endlessly, quietly change people's habit of reading and consumption. E-reader publication is a new form of publication, it means the content suppliers enable to sell script, text, images and other forms of digital information, to the users who take the e-reader as reading terminal equipments through a wireless network.3G provides a good opportunity for the development of e-reader publishing. I believe that with the development of mobile terminal equipments and the content increasingly rich, the e-reader publishing will become the new form of digital publication after the electronic publication, web publication and mobile phone publication.From the communism point of view, the significance of e-reader publication is that it not only change the publication form, so that the mass media achieve to integration and compensation; also change the communication process of publication, making the content and media completely separated; more intuitively is that it change the content of the publication, dispelling the elite culture by entertainment content. Practically speaking, the prosperity of e-reader publication begin to take shape. It not only injects new vitality into the publishing, but also causes tremendous shock to the publishing. The publishing structure, mode of operation, the pattern of interests, even publishing ideas will be reconstructed. In early stage of the e-reader publication, there are many problems that must be faced with, such as technology problems, market problems, policy problems, and so on. How to avoid these problems and innovative publication model, make the China's e-reader publication developping healthly, is the focus question of this research.Based on the above understanding, this article analyzas e-reader publication from both theoretical and practical aspect. In theory, concept e-reader publishing based on mobile phones publication, and extract the features of e-reader publication, such as reading mobile, large amount of information, repeatedly use. Analyze the impact and significance on the tradition publication in the perspective of communication. At realistic level, we found the e-reader's problem after reviewing the market share, pattern of interests, users and other aspects. The Amazon Kindle model illumine us to propoer feasible development strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:3rd Generation, E-reader Publishing, Present Situation, Problems, Countermeasures
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