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Design And Implementation Of TestEvaluate Module In ISEE Based On MMDB

Posted on:2010-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332488639Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After in-depth research on the techniques of Main Memory DataBase(MMDB), integrate with the test platform project ISEE of network manage system, a module of TestEvaluate is designed and implemented to improve the TestReport create rate of ISEE, and step up the performance of the system.Firstly, this paper analyses the relation of the project ISEE with the network manage system which will be tested, the basic frame of ISEE and it's test flow. Secondly, it researches on the key technique of MMDB, to compare MMDB with the Disk DataBase in the different of query disposal, index and data recovery, etc. Then it integrates the usable technique that Extracts from MMDB with the TestEvaluate module of project ISEE, design and implement the module. Finally, the rationality and validity have been displayed by construct test case to campare the two different mode of create TestReport and to validate each function of TestEvaluate.Through practical application, the use of MMDB in felicitous reason will improve the performance of the system apparently, it also could resolve the deficiency of the application system based on C/S pattern access Disk DataBase slowly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Main Memory DataBase, Disk DataBase, TestLog, TestEvaluate
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