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Research On The Network Application In History Teaching In Middle Schools

Posted on:2010-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computer network has evolved as the dispensable means of communication for information in modern society, and makes education approaches increasingly modern, which gives rise to the great impact on the traditional educational outlooks and patterns of history teaching. With the development of internet technology, history teachers should change traditional teaching methods, take full advantage of network resource, optimize teaching process and increase the quality of teaching, so that history teaching will march toward the network era!Firstly, the paper introduces the necessity of the network applied in history teaching in middle schools, and discusses why network is being introduced into history teaching in middle schools considering the requirements of era development, student growth and the reformation of history teaching in middle schools.Secondly, the paper probes into specific application mode of network in history teaching in middle schools, in terms of lesson preparation, class teaching and assessment. For the most part, the paper discusses how to choose historical material and prepare lessons by using network, how to make network courseware, how to organize students to make a discussion, how to use network to carry out inquiry history learning, and how to put up the terrace by which students" history learning can be assessed. From it the author tries to find the implemental principles or matters need attention. The purpose of the author is to enhance teachers" understanding of computer network. In the article, the author provides an efficient and operable route to the teachers who have never touched history internet teaching, and give the teachers who have used history internet teaching new revelation, hoping that more teachers could apply computer network in history teaching in middle schools better and more completely.In the end, the author rethinks several problems in the quest, study and practice, and put forward some feasible advice starting from reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:network, history teaching in middle schools, application
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