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A Study Of General Allegations And Specific Allegations In Ancient Chinese

Posted on:2011-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308970859Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ancient and modern scholars are both concerned about the semantic issues on general allegations and specific allegations, the studies from the exegesis, lexicology, lexicography and many other angles both in theory and practice have achieved certain results. However,current studies are still fragmented and non-systemed, and the research on the definition of the concept, the way on how they formed,the stability of the meanings are still not thorough,there are few articles discussed in a systematic manner. This article will take general allegations and specific allegations in ancient Chinese words as a researching topic,based on a large number of textual practice,I'll define the concept, carding the system, classify the examples, and note point of view.This article mainly includes the following components:First,the knowledge on the connotation of general allegations and specific allegations.Recently,there are still differences in the knowledge of the two definition,and I proposed five kinds of representative views:①expanding-minifying statement;②hyponymy statement;③ralative statement;④broadly speaking- analytically speaking statement;⑤general words-specific words statement. This article argues that general allegation can represent the meaning that used to be represented by its superior meaning,and specific allegation can represent the meaning that used to be represented by its inferior meaning.The relationship between conventional meanings in general allegations and specific allegations is Hyponymy,and how to define their relationship is the key to solve the problem.Based on the exhaustive study of the general allegations and specific allegations in "The Ancient Chinese Commonly-used Words Dictionary ",I'll elaborate the recognition of general allegations and specific allegations. Second, the general allegations and specific allegations on monosyllabic words.From three aspects of the monosyllabic words generally allegeding, monosyllabic words specially allegeding, general allegations and specific allegations are in integrated course, I'll divide general allegations and specific allegations into eleven categories,and discuss the relationships between the conventional meaning and the generally allegeding meaning,the conventional meaning and the specially allegeding meaning, and the generally allegeding meaning and the specially allegeding meaning.Third,the general allegations and specific allegations on complex polymorphemic words.Illustrating the general allegation and specific allegation phenomena of monosyllabic words of all types in ancient Chinese with examples,from the start of the way they formed,I'll focus on the general allegation and specific allegation phenomena in parallel complex polymorphemic words and master-slave complex polymorphemic words which both belong to compound words,and reveal the universality and diversity of general allegation and specific allegation phenomena.Forth,the stability degree of general allegations and specific allegations.General allegations and specific allegations have differences between temporary and fixed meanings, general allegations and specific allegations in one word and general allegations and specific allegations in different words have different stabilities, they show three different existence type:general allegations and specific allegations are temporary meanings,and rely on contexts; general allegations and specific allegations have fixed meanings, and exist with the conventional meaning; general allegations and specific allegations become fixed meanings,and replace the conventional meaning.General allegations and specific allegations can contribute to an accurate understanding of meaning,build semantic system,deepen the study of the evolution of the meaning,and grasp the characteristics of ancient Chinese word meanings for us.
Keywords/Search Tags:ancient Chinese, general allegations, specific allegations, hyponymy
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