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The Comparative Study For Zhang Cong Zheng And Lee Jae Ma's Medicine Idea Of Preserving Health

Posted on:2012-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330335458873Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since a long time ago, people have made importance of living a long life without disease. In Chinese medical science, it says "Saint makes treatment before illness rather than after that.", so there have been a lot of efforts to keep physical balance with the view of preventional heath care. Heat care means to make efforts to prolong life by taking advantage of some ways such as regimen, diet, medication, massage, ascetic, Meditation etc. In Huang Di Nei Jing, it says "The way of wise persons" regimen should keep harmony always regardless of hot and cold weather, between glory and anger, controlling Yang and Yin, just if anyone can avoid devil properly, he gets longevity ", it emphasizes that we can maintain our health and live a long life through diet and regimen.The concept of health before the mid-19th century was the health of the body means, after that, the conception of that "a sound minds in a sound body" was added to the mental concept, From the mid 20 century, it had been changed into the idea of enjoying ordinary life such as work, exercise, food, rest, sleep etc. According to the world health charter which announced by World Health Organization (WHO) "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity。"We can also think that peaceful condition of sprit and body, or its environment nearly has the same meaning of pursuing health care through regimen and diet.In oriental countries, sice ancient time, various kinds of studies for health care such as medicine, acupuncture, massage, and meditation, ascetic had been performed. Zhang Cong Zheng who was representative person for purgationist school among the 4 great persons in Jin and Yuan penod, succeeded to the plutonism by Liu wan Su to use cool medicine many times.He performed unique medical practice by using the new therapy of sweating and emetic. In case of health care, he made every effort to correct the defect of compensating heat by using dry heat. He also insisted that practice of health begins from diet.He said "Regimen should be controlled by using diet, Medical treatment should be controlled by medicine." emphasizing that practice of health begins from diet.As devil law caused from heart, glory, angry, sorrow, thought and horror exists adjusting that,the stable heart fire makes spiritual willingness can treats illness. It also achieves got good achievements in depression.The collection of Korean traditional summary had been made by the Dong Yi Bo Gam, written by Heo Jun.After that, Lee Jae Ma created the 4types medical science in which he divided human into 4 types, insisting that every individual should take treatment to the self-character for treatment and physical condition.He boldly escaped from the traditional point of view in which people regarded disease as a struggle between good influence and evil influence, thinking that disease caused from losing balance between internal organs or debility of physique. He applied this idea into health care, saying that there are 5 delights in human life. The first one is longevity, the second one is meditation, the third one is reading, the fourth one is property, the fifth one is contribution to self-society. Among these factors, he emphasized that longevity is the biggest pleasure, others only could be achieved through longevity. He classified human's physique into great yang, small yang, great yin, small yin to explain that different treatment should be applied to these differences.The traditional Korean medical science has been developed by the combination of the native medicine and the introduced medicine from China. So it has been influenced by Chinese medicine. There are many documents and case record from Chinese medical books quoted in Bing Zheng Lun of Dong Yi Su Sae Bo Won, such as Nei Jing, Shang Han Lun, Huo Ren Shu, Gu Jin Yi Jian, Yi Xue Ru Men. Among those, Huang Di Nei Jing and Shang Han Lun had mainly affected a lot to form the 4 type medical science.Although his theory was originated from Shang Han Lun, Dong Yi Su Sae Bo Won explained human body's phenomenon with the new opinion, summarizing and compromising each past time medical scientist's theory. So the traditional Korean medical science among which Dong Yi Bo Gam have had great influence, got inspire from the school's theory which insisted compensation of warm, ground, Yin etc. But in the field of the idea medical science, it applied different type of treatments to various kinds of physique, receiving great influences from Han Liang and Gong Xie school.The two theorist emphasized hygienism and harmony of characters. It contains comparative values. This thesis is composed of three parts.The first part and second part analyzes the life and theory, regimen of Zhang Cong Zheng and Lee Jae Ma respectively. The third part, based on each person's regimen, perform comparative study review their idea and regimen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Cong Zheng, Ru Men Shi Qin, Lee Jae Ma, Dong Yi Su Sae Bo Won, Healthcare, Comparative study
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