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The Clinical Characteristics And Treatment Advance Of Senile Hypertension

Posted on:2006-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y WangFull Text:PDF
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ABSTRACT The epidemiology materials demonstrate that the blood pressure increases along with age. Hypertension is the high incidence in senile, which is the main reason for senior congestive heart failure, stroke, coronary disease, renal function failure, aortic disease. It seriously affects health, longevity and life quality of senility. It is greatly significant to further study the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of the senile hypertension.At present, the senile hypertension diagnosis still does not have a reliable dividing standard and the time age dividing line is still used. In Europe and America, the age of 65 is regarded as the standard of senile, while is 60 years old in China. In the latest hypertension guidelines of China, America and Europe, the senile hypertension is not definited specially, so its standard is same to general adults. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) is more than 140mmHg and (or) the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is more than 90mmHg. Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH) is definited as SBP more than 140mmHg and DBP less than 90mmIIg. In the senile hypertension patients most of them are ISH, of which the proportion is about 60%, and the SBP elevation has more significance for cardiac vascular disease.Hypertension pathophysiology has two aspects: ① blood vessel remodeling; ② microvessel reduction. The clinical characteristics of senile hypertension are: ① obvious undulation of blood pressure; ②the close relation between early morning blood pressure peak and the target organ harm; ③ the high incidence of white coat hypertension; ④ obvious elevation of systolic pressure and pulse pressure; ⑤ more postural hypotension; ⑥more pseudo-hypertension; ⑦ serious complications. The treatments of Senile hypertension include non-medicine and medicine therapy. The non-medicine treatments include: ①weight control, the body mass index (BMI) below 24; ②reasonable diets; ③supplement of potassium and calcium element ;④ taking in more vegetables and fruits; ⑤ limiting drinks;⑥ reasonable oxygen exercises.Senile hypertension medicine treatment principle are: ① initializing from low dose; ② two or more kinds of medicine union treatment; ③ low tolerance or refractory to one type medicine, another type agent instead ;④ selecting long effect...
Keywords/Search Tags:clinical characteristics, treatment advance, senile hypertension
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