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Research Of Urban Community Safety Space Design Strategy

Posted on:2011-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's city of the continuous development and raise the level of urbanization process, the community as the composition of cells in the city, its security is increasingly become the focus of interest and concern. In order to address the process of development in the community more and more serious security problems, building a harmonious society, the paper space in urban communities safety design carried out some exploration and research, strive for the elements of urban communities safety space design comprehensive, systematically, and completely, provide a basis and reference for the future integration of multidisciplinary research.In this paper, the definition of the research content in order to based on the urban communities space, in the course of the study to use logical architecture, linking multi-disciplinary, combining social survey a variety of research methods, from a safety point of view of community as a variety of physical elements consisting of complex, drawing on the experience of urban design and urban management, integrate community safety into the overall development of society, in-depth analysis and thought and finally summed up the design space for community safety strategy for the modern urban community design reference.In this paper, the study of community safety space design in order to correctly guide the community-building activities and community planning and design to provide a theoretical basis for today's modern city community safety, open up new ideas and methods for modern urban community safety, community planning and design, city comprehensive disaster prevention.In the first chapter, the paper overviewed the realities background of whole study and domestic and international security issues in urban communities and status of progress of the study, on the basis of the current security problems in urban communities profile analysis. Analysis and definition of community, community safety, mediums to achieve community safety etc basic concepts. Proposed research methods, significance and research framework. In chapter 2, summarized up community safety theoretical foundation, including urban sociology, environmental psychology and behavioral geography and spatial cognition, urban space and crime prevention, community safety disaster prevention and other theories. In chapter 3, analysis of the urban space design and management of community safety in China through the questionnaire and research. And then summed up the design strategy about psychological safety space and facilities safety space, including of community areas of space, communication space, traffic, public space, barrier-free facilities, emergency disaster and others. Finally, the paper brought up the suggestion about urban community safety management strategy, by drawing on urban management knowledge and experience in related fields.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Community Safety Space, Community Safety Space Design, Community Safety Management
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