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Study On Species Diversity And Conservation Of The Flora Of Yunbaoshan Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China

Posted on:2007-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H MengFull Text:PDF
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A study on seed plants diversity,vegetation types, rare or endangered plants, and threatened the reason were carried out at Yuanbaoshan Nature Reserve, with the aims to provide scientific evidence for the conservation and sustainable use on the plant resource After two-years investigation, some results were arrived as follows:(1) The vascular plants include 1702 species (including subspecies taxa) belonging to 736 genera and 207 families at Yuanbaoshan Nature Reserve, in which, there are fern plants of 180 species belonging to 82 genera and 42 families, there are 22 gymnosperm species belonging to 14 genera and 7 families, and there are 1500 angiosperm species belonging to 640 genera and 158 families. There are 6 new-record species in Guangxi, and Diplomeris and Diplomeris are new-record genera. According to the life form of plants, the vascular plants in the Nature Reserve can be divided into four types, which are tree, shrub, vine and herbaceous plant, in which herbaceous Plants have 784 species covered 46.1 % of the total local species, and tree, shrub and woody vine plants have 881 species covered 51.8 % of the total local plants. That is, woody plants are dominant.(2) 23 families, each of them has more than 20 species, covered 830 species and was about 54.5% of the total local species. These seed plants can be devided into five types, and the tropic-subtropic plant type was dominant with the proportion of about 27.3 %.For the seed plant distribution in genera, the number of genera of which each has only 2-5 species was 260 with the proportion of 39.8% of total genera, and these genera covered 863 species with the proportion of 44.9% of total species. The number of genera of which each has only one species was 350 with the proportion of 53.5% of total genera. The result indicated that the genera with less than 5 species were dominant in this Nature Reserve. According to the opinion of Wu Zhengyi, the total 667 genera seed plants in this region can be divided into 12 types, in which 135 genera, about 20.6% of the total genera, belong to tropical type which covered the most genera. The following type is the sub-tropical type with 98 genera. The ratio of R/T (tropic genera/temperate genera) is 1.5, which reflected that the flora of the Nature...
Keywords/Search Tags:seed plants diversity, flora, rare or endangered plant, Yuanbaoshan Nature Reserve
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