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The Research Of ZHOU HOU FANG's Edition Finalizes

Posted on:2012-09-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1484303335989549Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly discussed "ZHOU HOU FANG" a book from produce to the stereotypia complex process.Has studied the influence and the function which each author or regulator's crabbing as well as the book stereotypia process produces regarding this.Also has textually researched the final regulator Yang Yong Dao's job and his government position.Moreover combed "ZHOU HOU FANG" to spread the edition situation in the history, corrected some mistakes."ZHOU HOU FANG" was the extant ancient times first aid handbook, it was important in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties history of medicine, played the role in Fang Ji history which carried on the task.This book'formation was complex, from produces to finalizes, to pass through four stages.The first stage was the created time, Eastern Jin Dynasty. The author is Ge Hong.The second stage makes up error by Liang Dynasty by Tao Hong Jing, "Rescues after ZHOU HOU FANG" saves in 86 foundations to supplement 101, divide the book into three volumes.The third stage is the subjunction time-Tang Dynasty, by the court physician.The fourth stage attaches the broad stereotypia time, in the Jin Dynasty, by Kaifeng Imperial Academy Dr. Yang Yong Dao, attaches by the eight volumes prescription.This book extant edition mainly is the road after Yang Yong Dao's eight volumes, has been through repeatedly the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China publication engraves until now.The main edition has the Ming Dynasty legitimate "Daoist canon", this becomes the descendant to spread.
Keywords/Search Tags:" ZHOU HOU FANG ", Stereotypia, The edition spreads
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