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A Quantitative Correlational Study between Transformational Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction among California Card Room Casino Employee

Posted on:2019-01-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Brandman UniversityCandidate:Hall, Lydell HFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017493188Subject:Organizational Behavior
Purpose: This study had two purposes. The first purpose was to determine if there is a correlation between transformational leadership behavior exhibited by the leadership team and job satisfaction among California card room casino employees. The second purpose of this study was to determine if there is a correlation between transformational, transactional, or laissez-faire leadership styles exhibited by the leadership team and job satisfaction among California card room casino employees.;Methodology: This quantitative, non-experimental, correlational study involved utilizing two Likert-type scale survey instruments to measure leadership styles and employee job satisfaction. Data was collected from 127 card room casino employees located in the Los Angeles County area. Requested demographic data included the following: gender, age bracket, ethnicity, job type, number of years employed at the casino, and if the participant was currently employed in a position of leadership.;Findings: This study's primary focus was to examine the correlation between transformational leadership behavior and job satisfaction among California card room employees. The information determined from the survey responses indicated that the highest statistical relationship identified were between idealized influence (attributed) and the work itself at .68, and the lowest statistical relationship identified were between active management-by-exception and fringe benefits at .01.;Conclusions: This research led to the conclusion that the more casino employees perceive their leaders as exhibiting transformational leadership styles, the higher their job satisfaction level. However, the more casino employees perceive their leaders as exhibiting transactional or laissez-faire leadership styles, the less the relationship is positive; and laissez-faire leadership has a negative effect on job satisfaction.;Recommendations: Further research is advised; this research was limited to one card room in the Los Angeles County area, and this study should be replicated in other areas of the State to examine comparable data. Additionally, it is advised that the study be done as a mixed method study to increase the scope of data to be analyzed. This research could be the catalyst for generating strategic action plans for the executive leadership team to create training platforms that focus on transformational leadership, mentoring and coaching, and developmental programs for current industry professionals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Satisfaction among california card room, Job satisfaction among california card
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