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Bridging the gap: Convergence theory, interorganizational communication, and semantic network analysis

Posted on:1997-02-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Doerfel, Marya LouiseFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390014984227Subject:Speech communication
The focus of this dissertation is on shared meaning systems and their relationship to the interorganizational network in which they are embedded. The study tests convergence theory with a coorientation model (Monge & Eisenberg, 1987) by (1) analyzing the network structure among organizations who are linked by the nature of their business, (2) developing a semantic network analysis based on members' perceptions of the system, and (3) using the results from the network structure and from the semantic network analysis, test structural equivalence against cohesion as predictors of convergence of meaning among organizations.;This dissertation analyzes the relationship between a system's interaction network and its members' semantic networks. The study also compares the network structure's indicators of system fairness with the members' perceptions of system fairness, thus combining theories of interoganizational literature, convergence theory, and semantic network analysis.;Results indicate that the interaction network is organized into one group of 168 agencies and 70 isolates. Interview data suggest that the consensus is that the system is fair. However, variance in word usage suggest that while they perceive agreement, their opinions of the system are actually quite diverse. Measures with those of the interactions network yielded minimal results, furthermore the analyses of the semantic network indicate that the extent to which respondents discussed the issues and whether respondents were affiliated with multiple office businessses had the most effect on differentiating among agencies.;This research extends organizational communication theory by adding the element of meaning to structural analysis. By adding meaning to structure, it also tests convergence theory by pitting cohesion against structural equivalence, thus bridging the gap between convergence theory, interorganizational communication, and semantic network analysis. Finally, the lack of results for the proposed relationships shows the need for future research in that convergence is a process that happens over time which longitudinal research may reveal. Conversely, the system may function properly because of diversity of meaning and ambiguity in language (Eisenberg, 1984; 1995); not in spite of such diversity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network, Convergence theory, Meaning, Interorganizational, System, Communication
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