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Applying sensitivity encoding to spectroscopic imaging

Posted on:2003-05-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Medical College of WisconsinCandidate:Zhao, XiaoliFull Text:PDF
Spectroscopic Imaging (SI) enables simultaneous detection of NMR spectra from a large number of voxels. It is already an established tool for both biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. A common feature of the established SI techniques is that k-space data are acquired point by point or line by line, in a sequential fashion, which results in long acquisition time. Recently, sensitivity encoding (SENSE) has been proved to be an efficient way to reduce scanning time by using multiple coils for parallel signal acquisition. It saves scanning time by reducing the phase-encoding number and increasing the phase-encoding step size, resulting in reduced Field Of View (FOV) and image aliasing. Using SENSE reconstruction, aliasing is removed by exploiting the information of the distinct spatial sensitivities of the coils. In this project, SENSE-SI, which combines SENSE and SI techniques, will be studied. The processing issues of SENSE-SI will be studied to obtain high quality absorption spectra. The artifacts and noise induced by SENSE will be analyzed. The ultimate goal is to exploit the possibility of applying SENSE-SI as a feasible tool to biomedical research and clinical diagnosis.
Keywords/Search Tags:SENSE
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