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The role of mobile phone technology in health interventions in rural communities: A Kenyan exploratory study

Posted on:2011-12-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Howard UniversityCandidate:Hamilton, Kerry-AnnFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011471878Subject:Health Sciences
This dissertation explores the potential role of mobile phones in health interventions designed for a rural community in Kenya. The study uses surveys and in-depth interviews to learn whether mobile phones are affordable, available and accessible to a targeted population based on the social marketing model (Hastings, 2007). Additionally, the research assesses whether variables such as educational attainment, literacy, media consumption and gender affect whether respondents can afford mobile phones and how they use them. Emerging research is exploring the integration of mobile technology in medical treatment and disease prevention, primarily in the U.S. and Europe. Researchers have found text messages, in particular, are a feasible and culturally appropriate medium to target at-risk groups to receive health information, medication adherence reminders, and referrals. This study focuses on Kenya in East Africa; while the findings from this study are consistent with earlier studies, it offers recommendations for a rural community outside the industrialized world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural, Mobile, Health
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